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Everything posted by tgsrini

  1. Chart does not display

    Newbie question. I attempted a simple 3D chart. Followed the steps as in documentation. But the chart does not display either in browser or PPT. What am I doing wrong? Platform: Windows XP, IE7, PPT 2003. xml: - <html> - <head> <script language="JavaScript" src="FusionCharts.js" /> </head> - <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> - <!-- --> <div id="chartdiv" align="center">FusionCharts</div> <script type="text/javascript">var myChart = new FusionCharts("Column3D.swf", "FusionCharts_1", "450", "300", "0", "0"); myChart.setDataURL("Data.xml"); myChart.render("chartdiv");</script> - <!-- --> </body> </html> Data.xml: <chart caption="Povert Declined in Yemen" subcaption=") ???? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ??? " palette="1"> <set label="1998" value="41.0" /> <set label="2005" value="35.0" /> </chart>
  2. Chart does not display

    Ok, made progress to display the chart. But the Arabic sub-caption is reversed - the words in the phrase I pasted appear left to right. I encoded in UTF-8 as advised. Now, what should I do to get the correct ordering of words in Arabic ? Data.xml <?xml version=="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <chart caption="Poverty Declined in Yemen" subcaption="????? ????? ?? ?????" palette="1"> <set label="1998" value="40.0" /> <set label="2005" value="35.0" /> </chart>
  3. Chart does not display

    Thanks guys. But my problem is basic. Even withour Arabic caption, the chart does not display in browser or Powerpoint. I use IE7 with ActiveX content allowed. If you can, please send me a folder with data.xml, chart.xml for a simple 3Dcolumn chart. I will add the necessary jave file and attempt to open it in IE. It must be some simple thing missing..... tgsrini