The label on the task bar seems to overlap in Fusion Widgets 3.1.1.(attach ①)
So, I'm want to appear label as two lines or put some text on the bar.(attach ②)
Is there way??
<chart dateFormat='mm/dd/yyyy' outputDateFormat='hh:mn' caption='Work Plan' subCaption='For next 2 days' >
<category start='7/14/2007 02:00:00' end='7/15/2007 01:59:59' label='D-1' />
<category start='7/15/2007 02:00:00' end='7/16/2007 01:59:59' label='D' fontcolor='FF654F'/>
<category start='7/16/2007 02:00:00' end='7/17/2007 01:59:59' label='D+1' />
<categories align='right'>
<category start='7/14/2007 02:00:00' end='7/14/2007 07:59:59' label='08' />
<category start='7/14/2007 08:00:00' end='7/14/2007 13:59:59' label='14' />
<category start='7/14/2007 14:00:00' end='7/14/2007 19:59:59' label='20' />
<category start='7/14/2007 20:00:00' end='7/15/2007 01:59:59' label='02' />
<category start='7/15/2007 02:00:00' end='7/15/2007 07:59:59' label='08' />
<category start='7/15/2007 08:00:00' end='7/15/2007 13:59:59' label='14' />
<category start='7/15/2007 14:00:00' end='7/15/2007 19:59:59' label='20' />
<category start='7/15/2007 20:00:00' end='7/15/2007 01:59:59' label='02' />
<category start='7/16/2007 02:00:00' end='7/16/2007 07:59:59' label='08' />
<category start='7/16/2007 08:00:00' end='7/16/2007 13:59:59' label='14' />
<category start='7/16/2007 14:00:00' end='7/16/2007 19:59:59' label='20' />
<category start='7/16/2007 20:00:00' end='7/17/2007 01:59:59' label='02' />
<processes fontSize='12' isBold='1' align='left' headerText='Work Center' headerFontSize='12' headerVAlign='bottom' headerAlign='left'>
<process label='#1' id='#1'/>
<process label='#2' id='#2'/>
<process label='#3' id='#3'/>
<process label='#4' id='#4'/>
<process label='#5' id='#5'/>
<tasks showLabels='1' showStartDate='0'>
<task processId='#1' start='7/14/2007 08:00:00' end='7/15/2007 12:30:00' label='M7592A,500,20T '/>
<task processId='#1' start='7/16/2007 05:30:00' end='7/16/2007 11:30:00' label='M1252-5340,300,20T'/>
<task processId='#1' start='7/16/2007 12:00:00' end='7/16/2007 20:30:00' label='M1701K-231,400,20T'/>