Manuel Benavente

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Everything posted by Manuel Benavente

  1. Printing A Chart Not Showing

    Hello: Im try the example you provide to print the graph generate and when I print it is not showing only the button and titles thats all no graph. Here is the link to the sample im talking about. Thanks Another Question: Is there a way to say to the rendering process to generate the graph in the HTML5 format in a regular browser like simulating is an iphone or ipad? Thanks
  2. Printing A Chart Not Showing

    I validated under windows using IE and worked also with Chrome, so I guess could be a MAC thing. You should get into it and review possible fix for MAC OS browsers. Thanks
  3. Printing A Chart Not Showing

    In which browser you tested I have Chrome and Safari in my MAC and doesnt work. Please advise. Did you used the link I provided for your test? Thanks