Hi Sudipto Choudhury,
There is a time, I stirred a part of the code FusionCharts.js, which added a new algorithm with the possibility of sending the variables via the POST method. I use the POST method when I have a great deal of variables to send to the server, the tool which has created various filters.
The solution is to add the code in a particular place in FusionCharts.js. But that's not all. Have to move elsewhere in the code as well.
x.open('POST', u, true);
x.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
x.setRequestHeader("Content-length", serializeData);
x.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
For instance, calling this:
var chart = new FusionCharts("../../Charts/Column2D.swf", "ChartId", "560", "400", "0", "1"); chart.setXMLUrl("../Data/XML/Col2D1.xml");
chart.setXMLUrl("generateXml.php", "POST", $(".input-default").serialize());
It will be very useful FusionCharts the company released a new version already contains the ability to send data via POST.
Please see the attached file.