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About ben

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  1. Rotating the SYAxisName

    Ok, thanks Pallav, I will determine how to proceed
  2. Rotating the SYAxisName

    I actually DO want both axis names, thats not the issue. I am trying to make both axis names properly face the charts, the way that MS Excel does. It is customary for the axis-name on the right -side (second Y-axis) to have the bottom of its letters against the graph, not facing away from the graphs the way that FusionCharts defaults.
  3. Hello, I am using MSCombiDY2D.swf, I would like to have the second-axis title face the chart, (that is have the title on the right-side of the chart read from top to bottom) - Basically I would like to rotate the SYAxisName by 180 degrees - here is the code that I am using, you can see that the SYAxisName is 'weight'. I do NOT want to rotate the PYAxisName at all Thanks for the help, Ben