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Everything posted by Swarnam

  1. Yaxis Interval Should Show In Time Format

    Hi Santosh, If you would like to display the scaling of Y axis based on time intervals, build a scale indicating time and then specify it to the chart. Ref. code: <chart defaultNumberScale='m' numberScaleValue='60,24,7' numberScaleUnit='hr,day,wk' scaleRecursively='1' ... > Please refer for more information at: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/advanced/number-format/Rec_Num_Scaling.html Hope this helps.
  2. Tasks Order

    Hi Leonardo, You will have to pass the XML data in the order required to display the Gantt chart.
  3. Scatter Chart Zoom Functionality

    Hi Santosh, No, Scatter chart does not support Zoom functionality. Only Zoom Line charts from FusionCharts pack supports zooming. Hope this helps.
  4. Hiding zero in Stacked Column

    Hi Philippe, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum post. Can you please try downloading the latest version of FusionCharts XT(3.3.1-SR1) and check if your issue has been resolved? It has lot of bug fixes and improvements. If it does not resolve your issue, can you please share the XML for further testing? Download link: http://www.fusioncharts.com/download/trials/ Hope this helps.
  5. Fusioncharts Roadmap?

    Hey, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. Sincere apologies for the delayed response. As of now, we have not shared the product Road map. However, if you are looking in for any specific feature to be supported, please drop a mail to "[email protected]" quoting this post. We would be glad to share further information or developments, if it is already present in our development cycle for future releases. Hope this helps.
  6. Maximum

  7. Hey, Glad to know your issue has been resolved.
  8. Transparent Background

    Hey, To achieve transparent background while using the jQuery plugin, please refer to the following code: $('#myChart').insertFusionCharts({ type:"Pie2D", renderer: "flash", width: "30", height: "30", id: 'p-'+data.id, dataFormat: "json", backgroundColor: 'transparent', dataSource: { chart: { pieRadius: 15, bgAlpha: 0, animation:0, showShadow:0, enableRotation:1, showLegend:0, showLabels:0, showValues:0, showToolTip:0, dataLabels: 0, showBorder:0, enableSmartLabels:0 }, data: [ {value: data.med, color:'#009000'}, {value: 100 - parseInt(data.med), color:'#900000'} ] } });
  9. Maximum

    Hey, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. Can you please try upgrading to the latest version of FusionWidget XT and check if your issue resolves? Download link: http://www.fusioncharts.com/download/trials/ Please find the attached screenshot for your reference.
  10. Hey, Can you please confirm the version of FusionCharts used? If possible, please share the sample code to replicate the issue.
  11. Hey, If you come across the same issue again, forward the chart XML settings to replicate it at our end. For the rest, we would update you asap.
  12. Hiding The Frame Of Fusion Chart

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum Post. To remove the border around entire map object, please set "showCanvasBorder" attribute to 0 in map element. Please refer for more information at: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/maps/Contents/DataFormats/XML.html
  13. Annotations In Fusioncharts

    Hey Charles, No, Annotations are not supported currently in any charting packages except FusionWidgets.
  14. Hey, Please refer to the steps mentioned in the following link: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/Introduction/Upgrading32.html Hope this helps.
  15. Hi, Welcome o FusionCharts Forum Post. Can you please elaborate on the issue faced with a sample code to replicate it? Meanwhile, can you please try upgrading to the latest version which contains lot of bug fixes and improvements? Dowmload link: http://www.fusioncharts.com/download/trials/
  16. Map Marker Data For All Word Countries

    Hey, Please refer to Forum post: http://forum.fusioncharts.com/topic/6014-full-set-of-flag-markers-world-countries-map/
  17. Hey, Please drop a mail to "[email protected]", one of our Team members will guide you further.
  18. Hi, Link: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/maps/Tools/MarkerViewer/index.html?map=World%20with%20Countries Can you please try the link again?
  19. Hi Alex, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum Post. To obtain the latest licensed version of FusionCharts Suite, please use the PUC URL obtained at the time of purchase. If you are unable to download the licensed version, please drop a mail to "[email protected]"
  20. Axis Styles

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. No, it is not possible to obtain a similar axis styles using FusionCharts.
  21. Radarchart With Json Data

    Hey, Please refer to Forum post: http://forum.fusioncharts.com/topic/13703-anchor-tag-in-radarchart/
  22. Dear Users, We are glad to announce our latest version of FusionWidgets XT supports JavaScript variant of Gantt Chart. New features added to Gantt chart are: >>Vertical scrolling . >>Mouse hover effect on tasks, connectors, processes, categories. Please take a look at our Demo Gallery: http://www.fusioncharts.com/demos/gallery/#gantt-charts Refer for more information about Gantt chart at: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/widgets/Contents/Gantt/Overview.html Please download the latest Evaluation version at: http://www.fusioncharts.com/download/trials/ Do share your valuable feedback.
  23. Grid Caption

    Hi, If feasible, we would include it in our wishlist. For any further developments, we would update the same thread.
  24. Donwload Links For Older Versions

    Please drop a mail to "[email protected]"