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Everything posted by Swarnam

  1. Chart Not Rendered

    Hi Liva, Apologies for the delayed response. If an ActiveX control or script tries to run from a Web page and your Security settings are set high, you may receive this message(IE restrict this webpage from running Active X controls) To disable this message >>Open IE browser>> Click Tools/Options/Advanced tab >>Scroll down to Security >>Enable "Allow active content to run files on My computer*" Hope this helps.
  2. Security Warning Using Javascript Charts

    Hey, Yes, security warning issue has been already identified with our latest version and we are glad to say it has been fixed. As per the schedule, we are planing it to release around mid October. Hope this helps.
  3. How Can I Break A Line In Marker Label?

    Hi, To separate a marker label into multiple lines, try using the {br} pseudo code, which is equivalent to <BR> HTML tag. Ref. Code: <marker id='HO' x='140.09' y='165.19' label='Head {br} Office' /> Hope this helps.
  4. Heat Map Issues

    Hi Vinod, If feasible, we would add the feature request to our wishlist. Also regarding styling, PowerCharts XT introduces Styles to help you apply font, effects and animations to various objects of the chart. For more info, please read at: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/powercharts/Contents/Styles/Styles.html Please find the reference code below to apply style effect to Row Id values Ref. code: <styles> <definition> <style name='myLabelsFont' type='font' font='Arial' size='10' color='666666' bold='1' underline='1'/> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='DATAVALUES' styles='myLabelsFont' /> </application> </styles> Hope this helps.
  5. Hey, To receive a licensed version, please drop us a mail at "[email protected]" As a existing user, try upgrading to the latest version using the PUC link provide at the time of purchase.
  6. Hi, Yes, starting FusionCharts v3.2, interactive legend feature has been added to pie/doughnut charts. Download the latest trials of our products and extensions at http://www.fusioncharts.com/download/trials/ If you would like to upgrade to the latest version, please send a mail to "[email protected]" Hope this helps.
  7. Align Y-Axis Lable To The Top Of The Chart

    Hi Venu, To align the y-axis name with respect to the height of the chart, set the attribute "centerYaxisName" as 1. Else, if you would like to align with respect to the height of the canvas, set the attribute as "centerYaxisName" as 0. Hope this helps.
  8. Align Y-Axis Lable To The Top Of The Chart

    Hi Venu, No, it is not possible to align the Y axis name to top of the chart.
  9. Javascript Chart

    Hi Badri, Yes, FusionCharts XT(v3.2.2) supports automatic fallback, wherein the charts figure out the best mode of rendering (either Flash or JavaScript, based on availability of Flash Player).
  10. Use Solid Color For Bubble Chart

    Hi, Can you try setting "use3DLighting" attribute to 0? Hope this helps.
  11. Javascript On Datalabels

    Hi, Apologies for the delayed response. As mentioned earlier, I am afraid, FusionCharts does not natively support adding links to data labels, as of now. As a work around, try using the anchor tag to define a link for the data labels. This work around works only for JavaScript charts. Sample demo: http://jsfiddle.net/shamasis/yh8Uc/embedded/result/ Hope this helps.
  12. Hey Eric, Apologies for the delayed response. Please try downloading the latest version of FusionWidgets XT and let us know if your issue has been resolved. You can get the trial version from here: http://www.fusioncharts.com/download/trials/ Hope this helps.
  13. Hey Babu, Please send your sample code to [email protected]
  14. Trial Limitation

    Hi, Thank you for the post. What are the FusionCharts XT trial limitations? I can't find it anywhere. >>There is no feature limitation in the Evaluation version of FusionCharts, except for the fact that the evaluation version charts are watermarked. Please refer the following link: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/Introduction/UpgradingEval.html Why sould i buy the license? >>Good One . Once you upgrade to the licensed version, you will not see any watermarks on the charts. Also, you would get personalized technical support (as part of FusionCharts Priority Support and Upgrades Subscription). For more information on "Licensing & Pricing", please refer the following link http://www.fusioncharts.com/buy/ Hope this helps.
  15. Hi Jason, FusionCharts does not support cross domain dynamic loading of JS Files owing to an XSS attack vulnerability. As a result, while accessing the JavaScript files (FusionCharts.HC.js, FusionCharts.HC.Charts.js and jquery.min.js) from a CDN server, dynamic loading of JavaScript files are blocked. As a workaround, it is recommended that the JS files are loaded manually into the page header section. Hope this helps.
  16. Hi Steve, Our developers are currently working on it. There has been a delay in attending due to FusionCharts suite upgraded to XT and released early this month. However, we would update you on the same.
  17. Datapoints Do Not Render On Jquery 1.8.0

    Hi, FusionCharts has been made compatible with jQuery for version 1.7. The latest version has been recently released and we are looking into the compatibility of jQuery 1.8 with FusionCharts Suite. We will update you as soon as we have a solution.
  18. Pyramid: How To Make The Labels Invisible

    Hey, To make the labels invisible, remove the "displayValue" attribute from the set element. Hope this helps.
  19. Help Required For Dual X-Axis Chart

    Hey, No, it is not possible to plot 3D columns on the same chart against 2 y-axes. The 2D Dual Y Combination Chart allows you to plot 2D Columns, Lines & Area on the same chart against 2 y-axes. You can choose to plot any dataset as column, line or area and you can also choose the axis (primary or secondary) to plot it on. Hope this helps.
  20. Hi Victor, Are you using FusionMaps for Flex or core FusionMaps? Also, can you please confirm the version of the product used?