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Everything posted by Swarnam

  1. Hey, Try adding shadow style element to the canvas object, to obtain only the left border for the Bar charts. Please find the updated XML file attached. BarchartWithOnlyXaxis.xml
  2. Hi Dinesh, Yes, it is possible to display scroll bar using Scroll Bar charts. The scroll charts are used in dashboards and monitors when there is a lot of data to show, but very little space. Instead of accommodating all data in the constrained space, you can use a scroll charts to increase the space and display the data better. For more demos, please refer the following link: http://www.fusioncharts.com/demos/gallery/#scroll-charts It will not be possible to show the scroll bar as data grows on X axis. By default, scroll bar appears. Hope this helps.
  3. Hey, We are looking the issue. As of now, can you please try using streamlineddata attribute set to zero?
  4. Dashed Data-Attribute Just While Hovering Item

    Hey Michael, FusionCharts does not support highlighting the current data while hovering the mouse over it.
  5. How To Add Multi-Lines In Zoom Line Chart

    Hey, Glad to know it works finally. Starting v3.2, the legend is interactive. That is, when you click on each legend icon, it hides the dataset corresponding to that item. Try setting "interactiveLegend" attribute to 1 in the chart element. This attribute lets you interact with the legend in your chart. When you click a legend key, the dataplots associated with that series are eliminated from the chart. Re-clicking the key causes the dataplots to reappear. Hope this helps.
  6. No, it is not possible using MSColumn3DLineDY chart .
  7. Hey, I'm afraid, it is not possible to render any data set as a column while plotting against secondary axis. By default MSColumn3DLineDY.swf renders as Line when plotted against secondary axis(parentYAxis="S"). Ref.Code: <dataset seriesName="Total Quantity" color="8BBA00" showValues="0" parentYAxis="P"> Hope this helps.
  8. Hey, You can expect the issue to be resolved and released around July. Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.
  9. Hi, FusionWidgets Gantt chart does not support to display the label within the task bar as of now.
  10. Hey, In Multi-series Column 3D Line Dual Y Combination Chart to render by default data plots are rendered as Column and Line. If you would like all 3 data-sets to be displayed as Columns and line data-set to be removed using MSColumn3DLineDY.swf . As a workaround try adding empty data-set elements as the last element. Please find the attached screenshot for your reference. If this does not satisfy your requirement, please send us the screenshot.
  11. Label's Get Roated In Javascript View

    Hey, Please follow the steps mentioned in the following link to remove the watermark. http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/Introduction/UpgradingEval.html
  12. How To Add Multi-Lines In Zoom Line Chart

    Hey, It still works for me. Both error and correct text files renders Zoomline charts perfectly. Please find the attached screenshots. Also, please enable the debug mode for error.txt to identify if any errors. For more information on 'Debug Window', please refer to the following link http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/Debug/Window.html
  13. Render Charts By Javascript

    Please refer to Forum post link: http://forum.fusioncharts.com/topic/11830-labels-get-roated-in-javascript-view/page__pid__46467#entry46467
  14. Label's Get Roated In Javascript View

    Hey, Evaluation watermark label can be hidden using the licensed version. Hope this helps.
  15. How To Add Multi-Lines In Zoom Line Chart

    Hey, It works!!!! Please find the attached screenshot rendered using attached XML. Can you please send us the screenshot of the error details occured while rendering more than 68 category elements?
  16. Label's Get Roated In Javascript View

    Hey, I'm afraid, you are using older version of FusionCharts. Can you please confirm the FusionCharts version used? Starting FusionCharts v3.2.2, it supports new framework for JavaScript charts that supports 3D and scroll charts, gradients, smart labels with auto-wrapping and ellipses, interactive legend, trend-lines and trend-zones, and axis management. Visually, the JavaScript charts look almost similar to Flash charts of FusionCharts. Please find the attached screenshot for your references.
  17. How To Add Multi-Lines In Zoom Line Chart

    Hey, Zoomline chart can display any number of data set elements. There are no specific attribute which has to be defined along chart element. Can you please share the XML with us?
  18. Dynamic Yaxis Scaling

    Hey, FusionCharts does not support rescaling of Y axis depending on the legend click.
  19. Tag Style

    Hi Jessica, FusionCharts will load all the data set elements present in the XML currently. As a work around, try loading initially ScrollLine 2D chart. On a click of button, dispose the ScrollLine 2D chart and re load another chart. Hope this helps.
  20. Microsoft Office Excel File

    Hey, Thanks for sharing the information with us.
  21. Fusionchart Version

    Hey, Open FusionCharts.js file from Download Package >> Charts >> FusionCharts.js. This would confirm if you have successfully updated to SR3. The file header will give the information. Hope this helps
  22. Hi, While rendering the charts in JavaScript mode, you may not retain the SWF file.