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Everything posted by Swarnam

  1. Changing Graph Background Colours

    Hey, You can hide the data plot border using showPlotBorder='0'. For more information on "Data Plots", please refer the following link: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/AttDesc/DataPlot.html
  2. Drilldown On Data Labels

    Hey, No, currently FusionCharts does not support links on data labels.
  3. Hey, Try setting "valuePosition" attribute for the overlapping data element. This attribute accepts ABOVE, BELOW and AUTO. So, one data set value can be placed above the anchors and other below.
  4. Exporting Charts To Individual Images

    Yes, as you have mentioned Flash player has to be installed in server.
  5. Hey, Apologies for the miscommunication. In IE 9 browser, I'm unable to see any 'Copy' option on mouse right click. Please find the attached screenshot for your reference. In JavaScript charts on a mouse right click, generic context menu provided by each browser appears.
  6. Exporting Charts To Individual Images

    Sure you can send in a request. Image Saver Assembly developed using .NET framework starts supporting from version 2 of .NET
  7. Bullet Chart - No Javascript Fallback

    Hey, FusionWidgets XT does support Bullet Graph. Please ensure FusionCharts.HC.js, FusionCharts.HC.Widgets.js and jquery.min.js are present in the same folder as FusionCharts.js. These files are required to render the HTML 5 version of Bullet charts.
  8. Legends Not Showing

    Hey, Try upgrading using the PUC link. If your unable to upgrade to the current version, please do send us a mail to [email protected]
  9. Colors Of The Graphs

    Hey, You can change the default color of the 3D charts in similar way as you do for 2D charts.
  10. Tooltip Overlapping Legend

    Hey, The latest version was released on March 13, 2012. It contains number of bug fixes and improvements. Please try downloading the current version and see if it helps.
  11. Hey, Try setting "showSum" attribute to 0. This attribute will hide the sum value displayed at the top.
  12. 2D Instead 3D

    Hey, JavaScript Stacked Column 3D charts was included in the latest version (FusionCharts XT(3.2.2) Could you try once using the latest version? www.fusioncharts.com/download/trials
  13. Legends Not Showing

    Hello Sagar, Can you please send us the XML code?
  14. Hide Label From Plot Bar 2D Chart Column

    Hey, Two ways to help you out: <set value='220000'/> The above code by default will display tooltext as '220 K'. Since, no label is specified, by default FusionCharts displays only value Or The dynamic value has to be obtained and manipulate to a particular scale at your end and then pass it to the toolText attribute.
  15. Legends Not Showing

    Hi Sagar, Legend is supported only for multi-series / combination charts. The legend does not appear for single-series charts because there is only one series in the chart. Only Pie/Doughnut charts supports legend using Single series of data. If you are rendering a Single series Line chart(Line.swf), legend will not be displayed. Also, can you please confirm which chart type is used to display single point on the chart? Hope this helps.
  16. Hide Label From Plot Bar 2D Chart Column

    Hey, Glad to know it works. As mentioned earlier, you can set a custom tool tip for the data points using tooltext attribute of the <set> element which is used to define the individual data elements. The custom value should be passed to the attribute. <set label='Jan' value='220000' toolText='220K'/>
  17. Hey, The commercial version of FusionCharts supports actuate BIRT designer professional edition. For more details, please refer to the link: http://www.actuate.com/products/birt-design/birt-designer-pro/ However, we can provide you support for FusionCharts. Integration of FusionCharts with BIRT has to be done from your side.
  18. Final Release?

    Hey, Please refer to the following Forum Announcement http://forum.fusionc...om-is-now-live/
  19. Hey Steve, While decreasing the width of the Vertical Bullet Gauge, will proportionately decrease the width of the gauge and the space available for Caption also decreases accordingly. Using Fusionwidgets, it is not possible to adjust the width of the gauge graphic only. Applying Styles to the Caption attribute and specifying smaller font size will create some space and displays the Caption without squashing it up. http://docs.fusioncharts.com/widgets/Contents/Styles/Font.html Or, if you require a thinner gauge, you can remove the caption from the gauge and display it using HTML tags outside the chart.
  20. Hide Label From Plot Bar 2D Chart Column

    Hey, By default, FusionCharts shows the data item name and value as tool tip text for that data item. To display only the values in the tooltip, you can set a custom tool tip for the data points using tooltext attribute of the <set> element which is used to define the individual data elements. <set label='Jan' value='220000' [b]toolText='[/b]220000[b]'[/b]/> For more information, please refer the following link: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/AttDesc/ToolTip.html