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Everything posted by Swarnam

  1. Hide Label From Plot Bar 2D Chart Column

    Hi, To hide the X-axis label set showLabels attribute to 0. To hide the Y-axis values, set showYAxisValues attribute to 0. To display the value, set showValues attribute to 1. For more information, please refer the following link: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/ChartSS/Bar2D.html
  2. Changing Y Scale Automatically From Legend

    Hey, The feature of dynamically changing the Y axis values depending on the legend click is not supported as of now.
  3. Thousandseparator Not Working

    Hey, Issue has been fixed. It will be updated in our next service release.
  4. Problem With Thousand Separators

    Hey, This issue has been fixed. It would be updated in our next service release.
  5. Colors Of The Graphs

    Hey, FusionCharts supports custom colors for most of chart objects like background, canvas, data plot etc. To change the background color of the chart: http://kb.fusioncharts.com/questions/261/How+can+I+customize+the+chart+background%3F To customize the data plot: http://kb.fusioncharts.com/questions/265/How+do+I+customize+the+data+plots%3F
  6. Line Chart Does Not Display On Ipad

    Hey, It works fine while viewing the Line chart in a Chrome browser. Please find the attached screenshot.
  7. Hey, Apologies for the delayed response and inconvenience caused. Due to various dependency factors, time taken to render the charts using IE8 takes considerable amount of time. Also, the information shared by you though FusionCharts Support for the Ticket ID #112808 was very helpful. Our developers are looking into the issue. We would update you soon on the same.
  8. Hey, Could you please try including FusionCharts.js version 3.2.3-sr3.5347 once rather than loading twice? Ref.Code: <script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="FusionCharts/Charts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT> Also, please ensure you have included FusionCharts.HC.Widgets.js and FusionCharts.HC.Charts.js ,FusionCharts.HC.js & jquery.min.js to render the JavaScript charts and gauges are present in the same folder as FusionCharts.js? Please find the attached screenshot.
  9. Pie Chart Works In Chrome & Ie But Not In Firefox.

    Hey, While applying percent values for chart width and height instead of absolute pixel values, it tries to get the width or height from its parent container. For example, if you have a container <div id="chartContainer"> and this DIV is not set with an absolute or relative height, the DIV's height will be zero. When a chart is rendered in this DIV with 100% height, the chart will try to derive the height of the parent DIV which is zero. The chart will render zero pixel as height. <div id="chartContainer" style="width:100%; [b]height:800px;[/b]">FusionCharts will load here!</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var chart = new FusionCharts("Column2D.swf", "ChartId", "100%", "100%", "0", "1"); chart.setXMLUrl("Data.xml"); chart.render("chartdiv"); </script> Hope this helps.
  10. Hey, We are looking into the issue. We would update you once it is fixed.
  11. Combination Chart Stacking Order

    Hey, Could you please try using 'areaOverColumns' attribute set it to '0'? This attribute lets you configure whether area chart will appear over column chart.
  12. Hey Eric, jQuery plugin does not contain an equivalent method to dispose(). We have added this to our wishlist. We will update you once it has been added.
  13. How To Set Javascript Function To Xml Link

    Hey, Due to Flash Player security implementation, links from charts will not work if you run the chart from local file system. To make the links work, as well make all the chart API's work, you will need to configure Flash Player Global Security Settings. To configure Flash Player Global Security Settings (to enable links and chart APIs) and enable JavaScript calls from charts, you will need to add the folder containing the chart SWF files to Flash Player's Trusted Zone. Please refer to How to Setup Flash Player Global Security Settings page for a detailed step-by-step guide. Hope this helps.
  14. Tooltip And Label : Bug Colors With Chrome

    Thanks for sharing the information with us.
  15. Dataurl Provided: And Invoked: Not Same

    Hey, The issue is already reported and we are looking into this. We shall get back to you as soon we come up with the fix.