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Everything posted by Swarnam

  1. Column Graph Missing The Column

    Hi, Could you please try once clearing the browser cache? Also, please ensure FusionCharts.HC.js, FusionCharts.HC.Charts.js and jquery.min.js are updated to the latest version.
  2. How To Add Legend For Trendlines

    Hey, It is not possible to add legends for trendlines currently.
  3. Unable To Update Chart Data

    Hi, Please try the following link: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/Tools/FlashPlayerSecuritySetup/HowToSetup.html Hope this helps.
  4. Hi, Could you please try using the following code: var myChart = new FusionCharts("/wp-content/plugins/hornbill-trust/inc/AngularGauge", "myChartId", "100%", "125", "0", "1"); myChart.setJSONData( { "chart": { "manageresize": "1", "origw": "350", "origh": "200", "palette": "2", "bgalpha": "0", "bgcolor": "FFFFFF", "lowerlimit": "99", "upperlimit": "100", "numbersuffix": "%", "showborder": "0", "basefontcolor": "FFFFDD", "charttopmargin": "5", "chartbottommargin": "5", "tooltipbgcolor": "009999", "gaugefillmix": "{dark-10},{light-70},{dark-10}", "gaugefillratio": "3", "pivotradius": "8", "gaugeouterradius": "120", "gaugeinnerradius": "70%", "gaugeoriginx": "175", "gaugeoriginy": "170", "trendvaluedistance": "5", "tickvaluedistance": "3", "managevalueoverlapping": "1", "autoaligntickvalues": "1" }, "colorrange": { "color": [ { "minvalue": "99", "maxvalue": "99.5", "code": "FF654F" }, { "minvalue": "99.5", "maxvalue": "99.95", "code": "F6BD0F" }, { "minvalue": "99.95", "maxvalue": "100", "code": "8BBA00" } ] }, "dials": { "dial": [ { "value": "100", "rearextension": "10", "basewidth": "10" } ] }, "trendpoints": { "point": [ { "startvalue": "62", "displayvalue": "Average", "usemarker": "1", "markerradius": "8", "dashed": "1", "dashlen": "2", "dashgap": "2" } ] }, "annotations": { "groups": [ { "id": "Grp1", "showbelow": "1", "showshadow": "1", "items": [ { "type": "rectangle", "x": "$chartStartX+5", "y": "$chartStartY+5", "tox": "$chartEndX-5", "toy": "$chartEndY-5", "radius": "10", "fillcolor": "C4D5DC, A3A5A4", "showborder": "0" } ] } ] }, "styles": { "definition": [ { "name": "RectShadow", "type": "shadow", "strength": "3" }, { "name": "trendvaluefont", "type": "font", "bold": "1", "bordercolor": "FFFFDD" } ], "application": [ { "toobject": "Grp1", "styles": "RectShadow" }, { "toobject": "Trendvalues", "styles": "trendvaluefont" } ] }}); Hope this helps.
  5. Hi, FusionCharts JavaScript class (FusionCharts.js) - The JavaScript class used to embed the chart. FusionCharts Export Component JavaScript class (FusionChartsExportComponent.js) - This JavaScript class helps you initiate the FusionCharts Export Component object and to set the JavaScript communication channel between the chart and FusionCharts Export Component. It has additional logic for cross-browser compatibility and error handling. Once when the chart is rendered and exportEnabled attribute has set to 1. FusionCharts, by itself, cannot directly export the charts as images. It needs help from either server-side scripts, or other client side Flash movies (coded in Flash 10) to accept the bitmap snapshot sent by FusionCharts, and to convert that as image/PDF. Hope this helps.
  6. Divisional Lines & Grids

  7. Divisional Lines & Grids

    Hey, While using <vline> element, it is not possible to display the vertical alternative color like a vertical trend zone. When numVDivLines attribute has been defined, alternateVGridColor appears as specified.
  8. Hi, FusionCharts v3 introduces Styles to help you apply font, effects and animations to various objects of the chart. Styles lends a simple mechanism using which you can easily control the visual layout of charts. By applying Font Style property to the tool tip, background color and padding can be obtained. Ref. Code: <set label='Feb' value='910000' toolText="<b>date:</b> 02-03 {br} <b>num:</b> 100"/> ...... <style name='ToolTips1' type='font' font='Verdana' size='12' bgColor='99E3BB' borderColor='E10000' leftMargin='20' isHTML='1' /> Hope this helps.
  9. Looking For A Good Match...

    Sure...Do let us know if you require any help. We are glad to assist you.
  10. Fusionmaps In Android

    Hi, Could you please confirm if you are accessing the page from a local machine? If yes, to enable communication between maps and JavaScript (like updating data, retrieving data, printing, exporting, event handling etc.) in your local machine, you need to setup Flash Player Global Security settings. For more information on 'Flash Player Security Settings', please refer the following link: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/Tools/FlashPlayerSecuritySetup/HowToSetup.html Hope this helps.
  11. Tooltips Displaced

    Hey, We are not able to replicate the issue. Please find the attached screenshot for your reference. Also, try clearing your browser cache after updating to the latest version? Please send us the XML code to look into the issue.
  12. Drag Node chart - Connector properties

    Hey, Please refer the forum link for more information: http://forum.fusioncharts.com/topic/10707-executing-html-to-get-powerchart/page__pid__43841#entry43841
  13. Hey, In the HTML code that embeds the chart; Set myChart.setTransparent(true) -- in JavaScript to set the chart to transparent mode. Hope this helps.
  14. X Aixs Labels Are Not Visible

    Hey, For a Single series chart(Column 3D), addChartData() function, pass the value first and then the category name against each value as a parameter i.e., name=Week 1 etc. $FC->addChartData("40800","name="Week 1"); In your code: $FC->addChartData($arr_sql[tot_stud]); addChartData() has only data values passed and data labels are empty, so X axis data labels are not displayed.
  15. Waiting Message

    Hi John, To change the status message, to show until the chart has been exported, try using the following code: myExportComponent.componentAttributes.btndisabledtitle = 'Waiting to print'; For more information to customize the Component Attributes, please refer the following link: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/exporting-image/javascript-ref/ECReferenceComponent.html Hope this helps
  16. Test Fusioncharts/maps Without Flash

    Hey , Could you please ensure FusionCharts.HC.js, FusionCharts.HC.Charts.js and jquery.min.js are present in the same folder as FusionCharts.js? These four files are present in Download Pack > Charts folder. You would only need to include FusionCharts.js in your web page. The rest of the JavaScript files will be automatically loaded on-demand by FusionCharts.js. Hope this helps .
  17. Test Fusioncharts/maps Without Flash

    By disabling the Flash plugin in the browser. For example in Firefox browser, Tools >> Add-ons >> Disable the Flash plugin Now, by default JavaScript charts will render using FusionCharts XT.
  18. Test Fusioncharts/maps Without Flash

    Hi, Yes, FusionCharts gives you the option of either using automatic fallback, wherein the charts figure out the best mode of rendering (either Flash or JavaScript, based on availability of Flash Player). You can test the automatic fallback without uninstalling the Flash plugin completely. Starting FusionCharts v3.2, you can now render the charts on devices where Flash player is not supported (like in iPhone/iPad), is not installed or is disabled using the built-in JavaScript rendering capabilities. The charts rendered by this module are purely using JavaScript and do not need Flash Player at all. Our next version of FusionMaps to support HTML 5 rendering is expected to release around second quarter of this year. Hope this helps.
  19. Chart Caption Alignment

    Hi, Using Styles, rendering charts in Flash mode will align the caption in accordance to the align attribute. The default value is center In JavaScript charts, only font, color, size, bold and italic attributes are supported in Styles. Support for rest of the attributes is browser specific. If rendering a JavaScript chart, I'm afraid caption will not be aligned similar to Flash charts.
  20. Problem Plotting Data

    Hi, In the code attached, there was no corresponding set element provided for '2012-01-01'. Hence, it was not displayed. If the following line of code was included , it will display the line from 2012-01-01: <set label='Mon 01-01-2012' value='977099' /> Hope this helps.
  21. Vertical Trend Zones For Any Chart

    Hi, Thanks for the suggestion. We would surely update this in our feature list.
  22. Realtime Html5 Line Charts

    Hi, Starting FusionWidgets XT, you can now render the gauges and charts on devices where Flash player is not supported (like in iPhone/iPad), is not installed or is disabled. The gauges and charts, rendered by this module, are purely using JavaScript and do not need Flash Player at all. The list of charts supported by JavaScript rendering for FusionWidgets can be found here: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/widgets/Contents/Introduction/JSChartingCapabilities.html Hope this helps.