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Everything posted by Swarnam

  1. Scatter (X Y Plot) Chart Label

    Hi Venkat, Yes, it is possible to display the labels on top of the Data points. By setting the showValues attribute to1 in <dataset> element and if you would like to customize the value, use the "displayValue" attribute in the individual <set> element. It is possible to obtain a color zone either vertically or horizontally using TrendLines/ Vertical Trend Line. I'm afraid, FusionCharts doesn't support various color for the same zone. For more information about Scatter Plot, please refer the following link: http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/ChartSS/Scatter.html I hope this helps.
  2. Link For Chart Caption

    Hi Shadey, Thanks for your response. Could you please try replacing the setDataXML with the following line: myChart.setDataXML("<chart caption='<a href='http://www.fusioncharts.com' > Monthly Sales Summary </a>' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Sales' numberPrefix='$'><set label='January' value='17400' /><set label='February' value='19800' /><set label='March' value='21800' /><set label='April' value='23800' /><set label='May' value='29600' /><set label='June' value='27600' /><set label='July' value='31800' /><set label='August' value='39700' /><set label='September' value='37800' /><set label='October' value='21900' /><set label='November' value='32900' /><set label='December' value='39800' /><styles><definition><style name='CaptionLink' type='font' isHTML='1' /></definition><application><apply toObject='Caption' styles='CaptionLink' /></application></styles></chart>"); I hope this helps.
  3. Fusion Charts Removes Plus Sign From Label

    Hi Tony, I'm afraid, I'm unable to replicate the issue. Could you please try using the following code snippet: <set label="<60" value='420000' /> <set label='60' value='910000' /> <set label='60+' value='720000' /> Please check with attached screenshot. I hope this helps.
  4. Using Javascript Functions As Links

    Hey Jamie, Could you please try using <entity id='01' link='j-myJS-NA' /> I hope this helps.
  5. Legend Text Is Hidden On Mouse Over.

    Hey Upendar, If you are rendering the chart in HTML5/JavaScript mode, legend text is hidden on mouse over action. This is due to the legend background color you had specified. Try changing the "legendBgColor" to some other value. Please check with attached image with < legendBgColor='CDC9C9' ...> I hope this helps.
  6. How Can I Apply Font Style On Trendline?

    Hey Naveen, Welcome to FusionCharts forum, To apply a font style to the trend values, please refer to following code snippet: <styles> <definition> <style name='MyFirstFontStyle' type='font' font='Verdana' size='12' color='FF0000' bold='1' italic='1' underline='1' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='TRENDVALUES' styles='MyFirstFontStyle' /> </application> </styles> I hope this helps
  7. Limit To Number Of Entities

    Hi Justin, I'm afraid, I'm unable to replicate the issue. The map do display with the XML code you had sent. Please find the attached zip file. I hope this helps. map.zip
  8. Limit To Number Of Entities

    Hey Justin, Welcome to FusionCharts forum. Maximum limit for FusionMaps would be 300 entities. Please note the number of entities mentioned here is the maximum. It varies according to the machine configuration and usage of various features like Animation,Shadow etc. If possible, please send us the code to look into the issue?
  9. Difference Between Fusioncharts And Highcharts

    Hi, Glad to know your issue has been resolved. Happy FusionCharting!!
  10. Difference Between Fusioncharts And Highcharts

    Hi, Could you please download the latest JavaScript files available with PowerCharts Evaluation pack v3.2 ? Replace the old JS files (FusionCharts.js, highcharts.js,jquery.min.js) with JS files downloaded. This would resolve your issues. I hope this helps.
  11. Dataxml Multi-Series Chart

    Hi, Glad to know your issue is resolved . Happy FusionCharting!
  12. Is This Chart Possible...

    Hey Mark, Welcome to FusionCharts forum. If the data has to be updated using real time value, you could try using Real-time Line (Dual Y) charts. I hope this helps.
  13. Hey Jean, The error "Undefined null in jquery.min.js" which occurs in IE 8 is due to the conflict, since FusionCharts.js depends on jquery.min.js file. Could you please try including the "jquery.min.js" file before including "FusionCharts.js"? Below is the code snippet: <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="FusionCharts.js"></script> I hope this helps. Do let me know your feedback.
  14. Highlight(Change Color) Bar When Mouse Over It

    Hey Mike, Please refer the following link, for more information how to customize the dataplots. http://www.fusioncharts.com//docs/AttDesc/DataPlot.html I hope this helps.
  15. Dataxml Multi-Series Chart

    Hi Scott, Welcome to FusionCharts forum. Please find the attached modified file. I hope this helps. sample.html
  16. Flash Version..

    Hi Ajit, FusionCharts v3 necessarily needs Flash Player 8 to run. I hope this helps.
  17. Timeline Basis Bubble Chart

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts forum. I'm afraid, FusionCharts Bubble chart doesn't support motion property as of now. We would surely keep a note of this.
  18. Rendering Problems

    Hi, If the chart appears but is squeezed up at top-left corner with everything illegible : Please make sure that: You've specified the width and height of chart in pixel values (without any string after it i.e., specify 200 instead of 200px). You're not specifying the chart width and height in %. If using direct HTML OBJECT/EMBED code to embed the charts, please provide the following additional parameters to FlashVars: <object ... > ... <param name="FlashVars" value="&dataURL=Data.xml&chartWidth=300&chartHeight=250"> ... <embed src="../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf" flashVars="&dataURL=Data.xml&chartWidth=300&chartHeight=250".../> </object> I hope this helps.
  19. Y Axis Values Show From 0

    Hi, I am glad that your issue is resolved. Yes, FusionCharts Zoom Line chart would help in magnifying the selected area. To know more about Zoom Line Chart, please refer to the following link: http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/AttDesc/ZoomLine.html I hope this helps
  20. Y Axis Labels As Hyperlinks Possible ?

    Hi, I am afraid, I am unable to replicate the issue. Rendering a chart using the XML file attached, the <category> links are enabled and while clicking it loads the webpage mentioned. Could you please verify whether you've set "registerWithJS" flag to 1? Basically, you need to set the last parameter in the construction function of the chart SWF to 1: var myChart = new FusionCharts("MSBar2D.swf", "myChartId", "750", "400", "0", "1"); Also, please note that the Flash Player framework security settings do not allow Charts/Flash Objects to JavaScript interaction, unless otherwise specifically set for that local file system (C: , D:). To specifically set the Flash player security settings, i.e. to run the file from a local system, please refer the following link at: http://www.fusioncharts.com/Tools/FlashPlayerSecuritySetup/HowToSetup.html I hope this helps.
  21. Y Axis Values Show From 0

    Hi, Please note, minimum and maximum values are specified as yAxisMaxValue='534' yAxisMinValue='536' in the XML file attached. In this case the charts takes up the y values as zero because max and min values are interchanged. In the attached image please find the when Y axis values are set as follows: yAxisMinValue='534' yAxisMaxValue='536' I hope this helps.
  22. Large Data Loading Issue

    Hi, Drag-Line chart supports upto maximum of 200 <set> elements, however again this value varies according to the machine configuration and usage of various features like Styles, Animation, Anchors, etc. Try setting the "animation" attribute in the <chart> element to '0'. This would help rendering the chart quickly. I hope this helps.
  23. Bold Only The Stackedcolumn3D Showsum Values

    It is not possible make sumValue attribute BOLD. If you apply style features, it would be applied to all DataValues. For the minimum stack height, there are few options 1) Increase the chart width and height size. 2) Avoid displaying the overlapping values. 3) Set the chart attributes <chart ....... adjustDiv='0' yAxisMinValue='600' numDivLines='10' > Hope this helps you..