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Everything posted by Swarnam

  1. Smart Label flooding DOM tree

    Hey, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum Post. Yes, this issue has been fixed internally and ported in our latest release. Try using the Trial version: http://www.fusioncharts.com/download/ Do test it and share your valuable feedback.
  2. Vertical line marking cursor position?

    Hi, To render a ZoomLine chart, you will have to make use of "ZoomLine.swf"
  3. Hi Vishnu, Single Series Bar 2D does not support to display the value in the centre of the bar. Try using "StackedBar2D" chart and display a single dataset to reproduce a similar effect. <chart caption='Company Revenue' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Revenue' showValues='0' numberPrefix='$' showLegend='0'> <categories> <category label='Jan' /> <category label='Feb' /> <category label='Mar' /> <category label='Apr' /> </categories> <dataset seriesName='Product A'> <set value='27400' color='AAEEBB'/> <set value='29800' color='FFEEBB'/> <set value='25800' color='DDAACC' /> <set value='26800' color='FFAABB'/> </dataset> </chart>
  4. Real time scaling incorrectly

    Hey, Apologies for the delay. Quoting the forum post, can you please drop a mail to "[email protected]" ?
  5. Hey Brad, Yes, this issue has been fixed internally. We would keep you posted once the release has been scheduled.
  6. Line Chart data overlap

    Hey, To avoid the overlap b/w first data point and Y axis, try adding "canvasPadding" attribute. This attribute lets you set the space between the canvas border and first & last data points. <chart ...canvasPadding='10'> The data values are not being displayed below the line plot when"valuePosition" is set as "Below", due to less space availability, FuionCharts automatically overrides the value to improve the visualization. However, in our upcoming release, we have "valuePadding" attribute, which will help you out to an extent. Please find the attached screenshot. Hope this helps.
  7. Invalid XML data

    Hey, Can you please share the sample code for further investigation?
  8. fusioncharts news ?

    Hey Yes, definitely our next release has major changes in terms of new features/bugs/improvements. We have added lot of interesting features like Theme Manager, annotation supports across FusionCharts Suite, better event architecture, hover effect over dataplots, dependency on jQuery has been removed, developer friendly documentation and lots more in the way. Look forward for our next major JavaScript only release by end of next month.
  9. Arg: Illegal input string in Vector2D

    Hey, Can you please try setting "yaxisMinValue" attribute in the chart element? <chart .....yaxisMinValue='300'>
  10. How to show Fusion world map in 3D

    Hey, FusionMaps XT does not support 3D maps as of now.
  11. Hi Krishna, As mentioned earlier, it has been fixed internally. We are hoping the fix to be released in the month of June. We would keep you posted.
  12. Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum Post. Using "numberSuffix" or "numberPrefix" attributes, you could add suffix/prefix to all the numbers visible on the graph. It is not possible to configure different suffix/prefix for the numbers visible on the graph.
  13. Line Chart data overlap

    Hey, Try using "valuePosition" attribute at set element level to position a particular data value on the chart. <set border='0' value='6' valuePosition='Below' /> This attribute lets you adjust the vertical alignment of individual data values with respect to dataplots. Hope this helps.
  14. Adding image in tooltext

    Hi Gayathri, While changing the filter, new data which is being populated based on the selection, try passing the caption attribute along with generated data. For more information, please refer to: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/JavaScript/JS_ChangeData.html However, if you would like to change the caption of the rendered chart and the data remains same, try using setChartAttribute() Ref.Code: myChart.setChartAttribute( "caption" , "Data for 2014" ); For more information, please refer to: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/JavaScript/JS_ChangeChartProperties.html Hope this helps.
  15. Hi Amol, I hope we have addressed the raised issues. . Please have a check.
  16. Hi Amol, The reason behind this is due to advanced label management applied to the X axis label. Advanced X axis label management has been implemented to achieve the following: All the X axis labels should get centrally aligned to the respective data-plots (columns, points on line charts etc.) X axis labels should not overlap each other X axis labels should not overlap with other chart objects such as legends or X axis name Long labels should not go outside the chart Optimized truncation of longer labels and putting ellipses at the end If you would like to show the first date of every month, try setting "showLabel" as 1 and rest of the category element "showLabel" as 0. Prior to this, opt not to apply for the advanced label management feature. Ref.Code: <chart ...labeldisplay='NONE' showLabels='0' > Hope this helps.
  17. Hi Amol, Apologies for the delayed response. Due to advanced label management to the X axis, "showLabel" is not working as you except. You can opt not to apply the advanced label management to the X axis labels. For this, you need to set the attribute labelDisplay='none' in <chart> element. Ref. Code: <chart ....labelDisplay="NONE" rotateLabels="1" slantLabels="1"> Hope this helps.
  18. Horizontal Funnel

    Hi, 1: I was wondering is it possible to render the funnel horizontally instead of vertically? >>No, it is not possible to render Horizontal Funnel chart. 2: Is it possible to render the 3d Funnel with a flat color pallet? I don't mean 2D... I just mean using solid colour so the 3d effect would be created with two tones rather than gradients. I guess im asking can the gradient but turned off on the 3d funnels. >> It is not possible to visualize 3D Funnel charts with flat/solid color.
  19. Hey, Yes, it is a known issue with the latest version of FusionCharts Suite. However, this issue has been internally fixed. We are hoping to release the fix around early next month. We would keep you posted.
  20. Hi Satya, For single data element, data being plotted outside canvas area has been identified as a bug. Once the issue has been fixed, we would update this forum post.
  21. Hey, This is a known issue and it has been fixed internally. The fix would be available in our next upcoming release. Hope this helps.
  22. Fusion Charts and Flex

    Hi Durga, Since we have discontinued our extension from August 7, 2013, they are not available for download anymore.