an ngo

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Everything posted by an ngo

  1. FI2_Gantt.swf setting

    Hi there: The online document of FusionCharts v3 (Gantt chart - Task bar configuration) states that "If you want to show just the label and not dates in tool tip, you can set: <chart dateInToolTip='0' ...> ..." Actually, it does not work. Whatever value I assign to dateInToolTip, the date on the tooltip of each task is always there. I don't know if the problem is due to the fact that I use FI2_Gantt.swf (I think that this is version 2). Thank you very much An
  2. Gantt chart not displaying whole chart

    Hi: I also have a problem with Gantt chart (FI2_Gantt.swf). The display of the task starting at the start_date of the last period is shifted (sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right). In the attached example, it is shifted to the right Thank you very much An DataGantt.xml