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About ufans

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Is there any way to have the scroll bar start all of the way to the right? Normally, on a scroll chart that extends to the right beyond the width of the chart the scroll bar appears and only the most left portion of the chart is displayed. My X-axis is month/day and I want the chart to start off showing the current day on the far right and allow the user to scroll backwards in time. I realize that I could write out the chart with the current day on the most left position and count backwards as I go right, but that is counter intuitive to most people.
  2. I want to plot a temperature reading every 10 minutes over a course of a week. I want the xAxis labels to be the days (Monday, Tuesday, ... etc.) but I want the values still to be plotted on a 10 min increment. Is it possible?
  3. I have a line graph that has a trendline with a displayValue="Current Reef Temp" The length of the 'displayValue' is long and makes the graph very wide. Can I wrap the text or manually force a line break? .. eg. displayValue="Currrent " & vbLbCr & "Reef Temp" ?