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About jarnott

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  1. Dont want to show decimal in axis

    BTW, I assume you mean xAxisValueDecimals='0' because when I use yAxisValueDecimals='0' my 1.1 rounds down to 1 and shows 1 and the axis (yea), however the bars still end up where 1 should be, looking like they are at .9 (boo).
  2. Dont want to show decimal in axis

    Nope, shows 0 and 1.1 on my axis not 0 and 1 or 0 1 2. The the bar falls ominously short of the 1.1 line/end leaving the view to guess its value. And of course this is only one scenario, the values could be 1 and 2 or 1, 2 and 3 the combinations are almost endless. Do I really have to code around small numbers, by specifying how many dividers I want? This should be automatic. In JFreeChart I can specify a hint on where the lines end up ie: 1,2,5,10,20,50,100,150,200,500,1000,2000,5000,10000. That would be a nice feature here. Any other confirmed work around? thanks again, jim
  3. In paid V3 ... <chart caption="" subCaption="" animation="1" showLegend="1" chartRightMargin="20" labelDisplay="WRAP" showValues="0" decimals="3"> <categories><category label="Volume" /></categories> <dataSet seriesName="Count 1"><set value="1.0" showValue="0" /></dataSet> <dataSet seriesName="Count 2"><set value="1.0" showValue="0"/></dataSet> <styles><definition /><application /></styles> </chart> MSBar2D.swf In my x axis I see 0 .3 .6 .9 .2 .5 I only want whole number values on my axis. I'd like to just see at the most 0 1 2 (in this chart) x axis labels, since this is a count. What settings do I need? Tried adjustDiv='0' xAxisValueDecimals='0' and that made it worse. thanks, jim