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Hello, I'm using a Muti Axis Line chart and in general it works perfect. But... in some cases the data has just one category and when that happens the x-axis data label is not being displayed. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if it is a bug. There's the xmls and i'm attaching the files with the charts with one and more than one category One category <chart caption="Chart" xAxisName="Years" showValues="1" canvasPadding="0"> <categories> <category label='2011'/> </categories> <axis color='#0070C0' divLineColor='CCCCCC' maxValue='100' minValue='0' numDivLines='3' tickWidth='10' title='Score' titlePos='left'> <dataset seriesName='Score'> <set tooltext='Score:84.47{br}Year:2011' value='84'></set> </dataset> </axis> <axis axisOnLeft='0' color='#FFC000' tickWidth='10' title='Interviews' titlePos='right'> <dataset seriesName='Interviews'> <set tooltext='Interviews:18854{br}Year:2011' value='18854.0'></set> </dataset> </axis> </chart> More than one category <chart caption="Chart" xAxisName="Years" showValues="1" canvasPadding="0"> <categories> <category label='2011'/> <category label='2012'/> </categories> <axis color='#0070C0' divLineColor='CCCCCC' maxValue='100' minValue='0' numDivLines='3' tickWidth='10' title='Score' titlePos='left'> <dataset seriesName='Score'> <set tooltext='Score:84.47{br}Year:2011' value='84'></set> <set tooltext='Score:89.8{br}Year:2012' value='90'></set> </dataset> </axis> <axis axisOnLeft='0' color='#FFC000' tickWidth='10' title='Interviews' titlePos='right'> <dataset seriesName='Interviews'> <set tooltext='Interviews:18854{br}Year:2011' value='18854.0'></set> <set tooltext='Interviews:20000{br}Year:2012' value='20000.0'></set> </dataset> </axis> </chart> If someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong or if it's a bug or something i'd appreciate it Thanks in advance
Multiaxisline Chart And One X-Axis Data Label
anitsirc replied to anitsirc's topic in Using PowerCharts XT
Thank you very much for the patch. It seems to be working as expected -
Hi, I've been having some problems loading the Data.xml file, I've updated my charts from v1.2.4 to v3.2.1. Before i had no problem loading my xml from a different ip address, but since i upgrade the charts it doesn't render the chart, just display the default text for charts with no data. I have my crossdomain.xml file just as it was before, so there shouldn't be any problems bc of that. Here's the call that i'm doing and the server where this is running is <div id="chartdiv0" align="center"> The chart will appear here </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart = new FusionCharts('/Charts/MultiAxisLine.swf?XMLLoadingText=Retrieving Data. Please Wait.&ChartNoDataText=No data to display.', 'chart1', '960', '480', '0', '1'); myChart.setXMLUrl(''); myChart.render("chartdiv0"); </script> Am I missing something or there is another way to do this? Thanks in advance
I'll try to load the data with Ajax request instead. Hope this works, thanks for your help!
Hi, Unfortunately i don't have a live link to send, but this is what it shows when i debug the chart. Info: Chart loaded and initialized. Initial Width: 960 Initial Height: 480 Scale Mode: noScale Debug Mode: Yes Application Message Language: EN Version: 3.2.1 Chart Type: Single Series 2D Column Chart Chart Objects: BACKGROUND CANVAS CAPTION SUBCAPTION YAXISNAME XAXISNAME DIVLINES YAXISVALUES HGRID DATALABELS DATAVALUES TRENDLINES TRENDVALUES DATAPLOT TOOLTIP VLINES VLINELABELS INFO: Chart registered with external script. DOM Id of chart is chart1Id INFO: XML Data provided using dataURL method. dataURL provided: dataURL invoked: INFO: setDataXML method invoked from external script. INFO: XML Data provided using dataXML method. XML Data: null No Data to Display: No data was found in the XML data document provided. Possible cases can be: There isn't any data generated by your system. If your system generates data based on parameters passed to it using dataURL, please make sure dataURL is URL Encoded. You might be using a Single Series Chart .swf file instead of Multi-series .swf file and providing multi-series data or vice-versa. When i click to the link of dataURL provided, this is what it has <chart plotGradientColor='' yAxisMaxValue='100' yAxisMinValue='0' bgAlpha='0' bgColor='000000' caption='Question: Hvornår besøgte du sidst TDC Butik? Interviews: 16514 Period: 28-12-2010 til 01-02-2011' exportAtClient='1' exportDialogMessage='Capturing Data : ' exportEnabled='1' exportHandler='fcExporter1' labelDisplay='WRAP' defaultAnimation='1' showAboutMenuItem='1' showBorder='0' showExportDataMenuItem='1' showExportDialog='1' showPrintMenuItem='0' showValues='1' slantLabels='1' xAxisName='Svar' yAxisName='Procent'> <set color='008050' alpha='100' label='Under 2 uger siden' value='17'></set> <set color='008050' label='2-4 uger siden' value='16'></set> <set color='008050' label='1-3 måneder siden' value='23'></set> <set color='008050' label='Over 3 måneder siden' value='27'></set> <set color='008050' label='Dette er mit første besøg' value='3'></set> <set color='008050' label='Husker ikke' value='14'></set> <styles> <definition> <style name='microtingCaptionFont' type='font' font="Verdana" size="12" align='left'/> <style name='microtingLabelFont' type='font' font="Verdana" size="10" align='center' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='Caption' styles='microtingCaptionFont' /> <apply toObject='SubCaption' styles='microtingCaptionFont' /> <apply toObject='DataLabels' styles='microtingLabelFont' /> </application> </styles> </chart> The error that chrome console displays is XMLHttpRequest cannot load Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. And my cross domain file (that works ok with the older version of fusion charts is) <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM ""> <cross-domain-policy> <allow-access-from domain="" /> <allow-access-from domain="" /> <allow-access-from domain="" /> </cross-domain-policy> I don't know if there is any other information that you might find useful
Hi Angie, All my servers have all the xml, swf and js files and the js and swf files are in the same folder, but it keeps failing. If I change the swf files to the old ones it displays the charts, when i change them to the v3.2 it shows the "No data to display" message :s Does it affect that I'm using the trial version, instead of the full one? Regards
exporting the chart without rendering it in the browser
anitsirc replied to nevali's topic in General usage
Do you know if FC is gonna provide a solution for this on Ruby on Rails or Java? -
Hi, I posted the same bug in the PowerCharts, but since PowerCharts and FusionCharts are different, i'll post it here too but with an FusionChart example. There's a problem with the caption/subcaption auto wrapping. Sometimes it wraps the words correctly, sometimes it cuts them and doesn't show the last word(s) of the line complete. I'm attaching a png with an example, the first line should say "Question: Hvilket produktområde var den primæreårsag til dit besøg hos os i dag?" Do you know if this bug is gonna be fixed soon? Regards
Hi, There's a problem with the caption/subcaption auto wrapping. Sometimes it wraps the words correctly, sometimes it cuts them and doesn't show the last word(s) of the line complete. I'm attaching a png with an example, there is missing the end of "Question" and one "Test" Do you know if this bug is gonna be fixed soon? Regards
Reverselegend And Interactivelegend Not Working Together On Maline Charts
anitsirc posted a topic in Bug Reports
Hello, On Multi Axis Line chart, if you set to 1 the reverseLegend attribute the interactive legend stops working as it should. i.e The original Legend showed "Label1 Label2 Label3" And each one of them show/hide the correct line. After applying the reverseLegend attribute it showed "Label3 Label2 Label1" but now when i clicked Label3 it shows/hides the line corresponding to Label1, Label2 shows/hide the line corresponding to Label2 and Label1 shows/hides the line corresponding to Label1 -
Hi, Is there a way to put a trendline in a Multi Axis Line chart or to put some text next to the one of the axis simulating a trendline? Thx in advance
Thanks for your help
Here it is, this is more or less what i need. But i think i'm just gonna add a dataset inside the Score axis and set it to not draw the anchor, i think is the closest approach to what i need. If you have a better solution to this issue, please let me know Thanks for your response
Font Size Change On The Showsum Value In A Stackedcolumn3D Chart
anitsirc replied to bazooka's topic in General usage
Hi, if i'm not wrong there's no object called showSum, its just an attribute of the chart. If you want to apply some style to the showSum values you should apply it to the DataValues object. Try with something like <styles> <definition> <style name= "myShowSum " type= "font" font= "Arial" color= "FFFFFF" size= "5" /> </definition > <application > <apply toObject= "DataValues" styles= "myShowSum" /> </application > </styles> best regards -
Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to alternate the horizontal grid colors in MultiAxisLine charts, something like showAlternateVGridColor but horizontally. Thanks in advance
Aah too bad i'm using some other charts and i wanted to make an standard on the way they look, but well... thank you for your response
Hi, I'm wondering if there's a way to set where the caption and subcaption should start. I've put some style on them so that they are align to the left but depending on the chart (I'm using MSLine, Bar2D,Column2D and Pie2D) it starts in different places. Another thing is that the auto wrapping is not working properly, sometimes it cuts the last word(s) of the line and it's never shown. For example I have the text "Question: Hvilket produktområde var den primære årsag til dit besøg hos os i dag?" And the chart will only show "Question: Hvilket produktområde var den primære årsag til dit besøg hos os i dag"(In Bar2D) or "Question: Hvilket produktområde var den primære årsag til dit besø\nhos os i dag?"(In MSLine) taking out the last 'g' of 'besøg' and then splitting the rest of the line ok. Has anyone experienced something like that? or have an idea on how to solve it? Thx in advance