amit tripathi

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About amit tripathi

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Licencing information

    Hi, Can somebody explain what do these two points mean on licensing information page: 1- Only Chart Class files (.as files). .fla files are NOT available. 2- None of the above licenses can be used to embed FusionCharts as a part of your free/commercial product. You'll need to purchase an OEM license for that purpose. Please contact us at [email protected] to get more information on this. Regards, Amit
  2. Hi, Is this possible? I want to show a network graph, and not sure about the number of nodes, so is there any way of specifying in the XML itself that it uses radius for all the nodes on the fly to fit content in the display window, and also i would like that chart grows towards a certain direction? How can i customize the network graph? Best Regards, Amit