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  1. Hi. I'am using the FusionChartsWMode.js Script. In combination with DragNode.swf there is a tooltip bug. In Firefox Browser the tooltip appears for a millisecond and disappears automatically without moving the mouse. Using radar-, oder linecharts this effect doesnt come up. With the IE everything works fine. Do you have a workaround to solve the problem? Furthermore: The XML-documentation of the DragNode.swf isnt up to date. Isnt "is3D" deprecated? And there are two ambigous connectors (2,4 ;4,2). Kind regards, Philipp // Please move to PowerCharts > Bug Reports. Thanks.
  2. Size: 100% doesnt work in Firefox

    Big issue! The autoresizing doesnt work with Firefox browser. I nested the #renderChart("FusionCharts/Radar.swf", "", strXML, "chart", "100%", "100%", 0, 0)# ColdFusion Tag in a div tag. In IE it works finde, but Firefox dont resize the chart. Do you know a Workaround? Kind regards, Philipp
  3. Size: 100% doesnt work in Firefox

    Correct, the OS is Windows XP.