I have been using FusionCharts with Flash for a while now and we are going to rebuild our charts. As you offer the new HTML5 charts we want to use them instead (as they are for example much better looking and smoother).
But there is some problems with rendering in HTML5, things doesn't work like they should, for example in this example both labelStep and connectNullData is not working at all.
If you provide support for HTML5 and say that it should work, I think it is important that you API is working, otherwise it is impossible to build anything..
Can you please take a look at this?
Also I've been looking at http://www.highcharts.com/ maybe it is a better option to skip FusionCharts (even if I've paid $999) and use only HighCharts as you are using them in the bottom anyway. Why should I use FusionCharts instead of HighCharts?
<chart caption="Line Charts" showLegend="0" showvalues="0" showlabels="1" connectNullData="1"
yAxisMaxValue="80" yAxisMinValue="60" lineThickness="2"
showyaxisvalues="1" showBorder="0" labelStep="4" showShadow="1"
bgColor="2a2a2a,5d5d5d" bgalpha="100,100" anchorRadius="4" canvasBgColor="FFFFFF" canvasbgalpha="0" canvasBorderalpha="0" alternateHGridAlpha="0"
<category label='1' />
<category label='2' />
<category label='3' />
<category label='4' />
<category label='5' />
<category label='6' />
<category label='7' />
<category label='8' />
<category label='9' />
<category label='10' />
<category label='11' />
<category label='12' />
<category label='13' />
<category label='14' />
<category label='15' />
<category label='16' />
<category label='17' />
<category label='18' />
<category label='19' />
<category label='20' />
<dataset seriesName='Data1' color='acd357' anchorBorderColor='acd357' anchorBgColor='acd357' anchorBorderThickness="0" >
<set value="78"/>
<set value=""/>
<set value=""/>
<set value=""/>
<set value=""/>
<set value="76"/>
<set value=""/>
<set value=""/>
<set value=""/>
<set value=""/>
<set value="75"/>
<set value="74.5"/>
<set value=""/>
<set value=""/>
<set value=""/>
<set value=""/>
<set value="73"/>
<set value="70"/>
<dataset seriesName='Data2' color='3fa2d0' anchorBorderColor='3fa2d0' anchorBgColor='3fa2d0' anchorBorderThickness="0" >
<set value="76"/>
<set value="75"/>
<set value="74.5"/>
<set value="75"/>
<set value="73"/>
<set value="71.5"/>
<set value="71"/>
<set value="71"/>
<set value="70"/>
<set value="68"/>