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About krussellm

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    Forum Newbie
  1. I am trying to print a chart and a couple lines are broken. The size of that chart is 850H x 1100W which is the same proportions as an 8.5x11 piece of paper. I am printing in landscape mode. This is one of the only sizes that prints with the graph auto filling the piece of paper as well as any other size with that exact proportion, which also show broken lines. I am using the Print Chart option from the chart menu. I have attached images of the printout. The first image "goodgraph.jpg" is how it it displayed in a browser, which is perfect. The second image "badgraph.jpg" is the output when it is printed. The bad graph shows the broken lines which I have pointed out with arrows.
  2. Never mind. I found where to set it. Thanks, Kris
  3. Thank you for the information. Is there a different method to set colors in in javascript? I see different colors set in all advertisements of the iPhone javascript charts so I am assuming this is possible. Kris
  4. I have inserted the code and XML below. I have also attached the output charts to show the difference between the flash and javascript when I run them. File info: FusionCharts.js - 10/6/2010-9:44PM MSLine.swf - 10/6/2010-4:10PM <head id="Head1" runat="server"> <meta id="Meta1" http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" runat="server" /> <title id="NameDisplay" runat="server">Graph</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="Contents/Style.css" type="text/css" /> <script language="JavaScript" src="Charts/FusionCharts.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body alink="orgbo"> <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts will load here</div> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'); var myChart = new FusionCharts("Charts/MSLine.swf", "myChartId", "900", "650", "0", "1"); myChart.setXMLUrl("testmulti.xml"); myChart.render("chartContainer"); // --> </script> Here is the XML associated with the code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <chart caption='Mail Out' subcaption='John Doe' labelPadding='10' canvasTopMargin='70' chartLeftMargin='27' chartRightMargin='25' slantLabels='0' rotateNames='1' animation='1' lineThickness='5' showLegend='0' drawAnchors='0' numVDivLines='12'> <categories> <category label='1/8/2010' /> <category label='1/15/2010' /> <category label='1/22/2010' /> <category label='1/29/2010' /> <category label='2/5/2010' /> <category label='2/12/2010' /> <category label='2/19/2010' /> <category label='2/26/2010' /> <category label='3/5/2010' /> <category label='3/12/2010' /> <category label='3/19/2010' /> <category label='3/26/2010' /> <category label='4/2/2010' /> <category label='4/9/2010' /> </categories> <dataset seriesName='Total Patients Seen'> <set value='23.00' color='000000' /> <set value='45.00' color='FF0000' /> <set value='34.00' color='000000' /> <set value='36.00' color='FF0000' /> <set value='33.00' color='FF0000' /> <set value='25.00' color='000000' /> <set value='28.00' color='FF0000' /> <set value='24.00' color='FF0000' /> <set value='21.00' color='000000' /> <set value='29.00' color='000000' /> <set value='31.00' color='000000' /> <set value='34.00' color='FF0000' /> <set value='23.00' color='000000' /> <set value='45.00' color='000000' /> </dataset> </chart>
  5. Thank you for the reply. I set the chart to only render javascript and I am also getting the different colors on the computer browsers as well. Using flash on the MSLine.swf chart, I set all lines going up are black, and all lines going down are red. When using javascript it is showing just a solid light blue line for all lines going up or down. So I know it's not the iPhone now. Is there any difference in the rendering that would help me set the colors correctly when using javascript? Everything looks perfect when using flash but all the line colors are completely different. Thanks, Kris
  6. I am using FusionCharts ver. 3.2.1
  7. Hello, I setup my existing graph to use javascript for the iPhone. The iPhone displays the graph just fine with all of the correct values, etc. It is showing incorrect data value colors (light blue) on the iPhone browser. It works just fine on any regular computer and browser except for the iPhone. I am using Safari but I also tried another more advanced browser on my iPhone. Is there something simple I am missing to make this work correctly on the iPhone? Or is this a known issue with a quick fix? I don't see how it displays correctly on all other computers but not on the iPhone. If it is not simple and shouldn't do this, let me know and I'll post my code so it is legible in order to debug. Thanks, Kris