I'm trying to create a page, displaycharts.php, that contains multiple charts. I want all the data for these charts to be created by a single page, chartsdata.php (which will be calling my database) and then to access this data from my displaycharts.php page via the DataURL method.
ie. I would like chartsdata.php to create the XML data for multiple charts, eg, one pie chart telling me the percentages of male and female users, and a bar graph to show a distribution of peoples heights. Then I would need to be able to select these individual charts to render them in different places on the chartsdata.php page.
Is there a way I can do this please? and how would I go about it?
PS. I am trying to do this because I want to limit the number of calls to my database, I will be pulling large amounts of data from the database and then processing this data in PHP to give me the chart data I need. Pulling the same data multiple times (ie. for each chart) from the database will be very inefficient for me and so I am hoping to avoid this.
Thank you in advance,