Jamie 1

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Everything posted by Jamie 1

  1. Hello. I'd like to use a chart to open a data table instead of another chart. This would be on the same page as the chart and would update when a chart element is clicked just as a child chart would normaly update. Can this be done? Can anyone get me started please. Jamie.
  2. Drill Down To A Table.

    Thanks Angie. That is excellent but not quite what I'm looking for. I just need to display a table which updates when a column on a chart is clicked. Not a constantly updating chart. Does anyone know how I can do this please. Jamie
  3. Has anyone tried to use the Blueprint PHP Example with the Sales Database? It looks excellent so I have been trying very hard to convert it to use for my system as a starting point. After weeks of trying I have found that the origional example that doesn'y work properly. Try adding new data, all the same pages and DB from the download, but with new orders for a different year, eg 1998. It will not produce the 1st child chart unless you are using a product within CatID '1'. Works great with CatId '1', try CatId '8' for instance and it won't work unless ther is a CatId '1' product on the database for that year. If there is CatId '1' data, then entering Cat '8' data works except it shows for the first month of the CatId '1' data. eg, CatId '8' for Sept 1998, will show in Jan 1998 (if there is data for CatId '1' for Jan 1998). As you enter more info for CatId '8' into the previous months, eg Jan, Feb, Mar etc the column will move along step by step until it reaches it's correct month. I have found that entering data of '0' for every category, for every month, for every year then the system will work. I reckon it could be a grouping problem with the child chart PHP code, but it's beyond me. I thought by canibalising the blueprint example I could get going as I'm not a PHP expert, but that would've been too easy! If anyone can solve it PLEASE....I am running short of time and sanity. Thanks Jamie
  4. Php Drill Down Using Blueprint Example

    Thankyou Very Much my man!!! That works for me , after weeks of trying. I had to alter the code slightly because I've altered my DB tables a bit, but worked great after that. My code from the top to the end of the Product chart is below if that helps you. Otherwise look in the DataGen.php or Data_SalesByCategory. I think the system is great but pretty complicated too. I can post more of my code if it will help. Thanks again buddy. <?php //This page contains functions which generate the XML data for the chart. //Effectively, we've separated this part from each PHP page to simulate a //3-tier architecture. In real world, you could replace this by a COM //Component or similar technologies which would connect to the database and //return data (in XML or normally, which could later be converted to XML). //getSalesByYear function returns the XML for yearly sales figures (including //quantity) function getSalesByYear() { // Function to connect to the DB $link = connectToDB(); //Initialize <categories> element $strCat = "<categories>"; //Initialize datasets $strAmtDS = "<dataset seriesname='Downtime'>"; $strQtyDS = "<dataset seriesName='Occasions' parentYAxis='S'>"; $strSQL = "SELECT Year(o.OrderDate) As SalesYear, ROUND(SUM(d.Quantity*o.UnitPrice),0) As Total, SUM(d.Quantity) as Quantity FROM FC_Orders as d,FC_Orders as o,FC_Products as p WHERE o.OrderID=d.OrderID and d.ProductID=p.ProductID GROUP BY Year(o.OrderDate) ORDER BY Year(o.OrderDate)"; $result = mysql_query($strSQL) or die(mysql_error()); if ($result) { while($ors = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $strCat .= "<category label='" . $ors['SalesYear'] . "'/>"; //Generate the link $strLink = urlencode("javaScript:updateCharts(" . $ors['SalesYear'] . ");"); $strAmtDS .= "<set value='" . $ors['Total'] . "' link='" . $strLink . "'/>"; $strQtyDS .= "<set value='" . $ors['Quantity'] . "'/>"; } } mysql_close($link); //Closing elements $strCat .= "</categories>"; $strAmtDS .= "</dataset>"; $strQtyDS .= "</dataset>"; //Entire XML - concatenation $strXML = $strCat . $strAmtDS . $strQtyDS; return $strXML; } //getCumulativeSalesByCatXML returns the cumulative sales for each category[/font][/color]//in a given year function getCumulativeSalesByCatXML($intYear, $forDataURL) { // Function to connect to the DB $link = connectToDB(); //To store categories - also flag to check whether category is //already generated //Initialize XML elements //Categories $strCat = "<categories>"; $arrCat =array(); $strSQL = "SELECT distinct Month(o.OrderDate) as MonthNum from FC_Orders as o WHERE year(o.OrderDate)=$intYear order by Month(o.OrderDate)"; $result = mysql_query($strSQL) or die(mysql_error()); if ($result) { $mc=0; while($orsCat = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //Add this category as dataset $arrCat[$mc++]=date("n",mktime(0,0,0,$orsCat['MonthNum'],2,1994)); $strCat .= "<category label='" . date("F",mktime(0,0,0,$orsCat['MonthNum'],2,1994)) . "' />"; } mysql_free_result($result); } $strCat .= "</categories>"; //First we need to get unique categories in the database $strSQL = "Select CategoryID,CategoryName from FC_Categories GROUP BY CategoryID,CategoryName"; $result = mysql_query($strSQL) or die(mysql_error()); //To store datasets and sets $strDataXML = ""; if ($result) { while($orsCat = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //Add this category as dataset $strDataXML .= "<dataset seriesName='" . escapeXML($orsCat['CategoryName'],$forDataURL) . "'>"; //Now, we need to get monthly sales data for products in this category $strSQL = "SELECT Month(o.OrderDate) as MonthNum, g.CategoryID, g.CategoryName, ROUND(SUM(o.Quantity),0) as Quantity, SUM(o.Quantity*o.UnitPrice) As Total FROM FC_Categories as g, FC_Products as p, FC_Orders as o WHERE year(o.OrderDate)=" . $intYear ." and g.CategoryID=" . $orsCat['CategoryID'] . " and o.ProductID=p.ProductId and g.CategoryID= p.CategoryID and o.OrderID= o.OrderID GROUP BY g.CategoryID,g.CategoryName,Month(o.OrderDate) order by Month(o.OrderDate)"; //Execute it $result2 = mysql_query($strSQL) or die(mysql_error()); $mc=0; while($ors = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { //Append <category label=''> if not already done //Generate the link $strLink = urlencode("javaScript:updateProductChart(" . $intYear . "," . $ors['MonthNum'] . "," . $ors['CategoryID'] . ");"); while($arrCat[$mc++]<$ors["MonthNum"]){ $strDataXML .="<set/>"; } $strDataXML .= "<set value='" . $ors['Total'] . "' link='" . $strLink . "'/>"; } //Clear up objects mysql_free_result($result2); //Close dataset element $strDataXML .= "</dataset>"; } } mysql_close($link); //Create full XML $strXML = $strCat . $strDataXML; //Return return $strXML; } //getSalesByProdXML returns the sales for the products within a category //for a given year and month function getSalesByProdXML($intYear, $intMonth, $intCatId, $forDataURL) { // Function to connect to the DB $link = connectToDB(); //Initialize <categories> element $strCat = "<categories>"; //Initialize datasets $strAmtDS = "<dataset seriesname='Downtime mins'>"; $strQtyDS = "<dataset seriesName='Occasions' parentYAxis='S'>"; //First we need to get unique categories in the database $strSQL = "SELECT g.CategoryName,p.ProductName, p.ProductID, ROUND(SUM(d.Quantity),0) as Quantity, ROUND(SUM(d.Quantity*o.UnitPrice),0) As Total FROM FC_Categories as g, FC_Products as p, FC_Orders as o, FC_Orders as d WHERE year(o.OrderDate)=" . $intYear . " and month(o.OrderDate)=" . $intMonth . " and g.CategoryID=" . $intCatId . " and d.ProductID= p.ProductID and g.CategoryID= p.CategoryID and o.OrderID= d.OrderID GROUP BY g.CategoryName,p.ProductName "; $result = mysql_query($strSQL) or die(mysql_error()); if ($result) { while($ors = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $strCat .= "<category label='" . escapeXML($ors['ProductName'],$forDataURL) . "'/>"; $strAmtDS .= "<set value='" . $ors['Total'] . "'link='" . urlencode("Default2.php?ProductID=" . $ors['ProductID']) . "' />"; $strQtyDS .= "<set value='" . $ors['Quantity'] . "'/>"; } } mysql_close($link); //Closing elements $strCat .= "</categories>"; $strAmtDS .= "</dataset>"; $strQtyDS .= "</dataset>"; //Entire XML - concatenation $strXML = $strCat . $strAmtDS . $strQtyDS; return $strXML; }
  5. Php Drill Down

    I'm new to Fusion Charts and no big PHP expert, but all I need to do is set a page up with a database driven Parent chart, to open another chart next to it when a column is clicked, and do the same again from that chart (3 drilled down database driven charts on the same page). I've spent days on the tutorials which gets me ALMOST there, but just not enough. A sample page would be a god sent. I tried converting the blueprint demo which looks excellent but couldn't get the botton chart to load. I also paid for the Fusion PHP add on program but it wants extra fields in the database which doesn't sound right. I also paid $100 for the priority support but no reply after 24 hours. Any advice would be much appreciated thanks. Jamie.
  6. Php Drill Down

    Thanks very much for your help. I went back to rrying to adapt the blueprint example of the sales charts. This does pretty much what I'm tryint to achieve but couyldn't get it to work properly. Eventually I tried directly using the DB from the blueprint example but found the same problems I'd had myself plus some. If you add a sale to the database exactly as the others but with a different year, the drill down doesn't work properly either. And if you change to the same year, eg 1995, the drill down shows the wrong months. Is there something I should know, like a known bug in the code or a copyright control to stop people using the example, because it is a tough nut to crack.