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About websense

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  1. How to let bar and line use the same axis in same chart 'MSStackedColumn2DLineDY' ? I think it is not a good idea by setting PYAxisMaxValue and SYAxisMaxValue as same MaxValue , because the MaxValue must be calculated correctly.
  2. How To Email The Charts ?

    Thanks. Websense should be your customer who had paid for fusioncharts. I hope it can come out before i complete my task. Here is some bugs about saving picture. 1. The srcollable chart can't be save as a full picture. 2..The html5 chart can't be exported as a picture twice.
  3. How To Email The Charts ?

    I hope to automaticly save , but no right click. So many charts ,so many times, need so many clicks, it is terriable.
  4. How To Email The Charts ?

    Also the current picture chart is only a part of the scrollable chart . I hope it is full .
  5. I want to email fusioncharts. But the flash charts can't be viewed in outlook , so i hope to change the flash charts into pictures in my email. But the chart pictures can't be produced automaticly in the web server. They currently only are produced by the client's clicking. How to get them by http request or other command ? Thanks.
  6. Some Bugs

    1. if a link is 'n-details.aspx?id=3&name='B-Ctr'&S=44' in a chart , it is coverted into ''details.aspx?id=3&name='B ' . It is broken for '-'. 2. if the code '<div id="aChrtDiv">Chart.</div><script type="text/javascript>new FusionCharts(...).render();</script>"' has been add a page by ajax ,not a new page , the script can't be exec and the chart can't be drawn. 3. MSCombiDY2D.swf can't be drawn correctly by html5. 4. Scrollable chart has not been completed. 5. if a duplicate key is in XML, e error occours.