hi i m using MSColumn3D Graph and here is my code for the same
cht_Def.AssignDataSet = DefectgetRecords();
cht_Def.XAxisName = "Defect Status";
cht_Def.YAxisName = "Count";
//cht_Def.ShowValues = "0";
//cht_Def.numberPrefix = '';
//cht.YAxisName = ddlSubCat.SelectedItem.Text.Replace("%", "Percent");
cht_Def.ChartSWF = "FusionCharts/FCF_MSColumn3DLineDY.swf";
//GeneratesGraph0.ChartSWF = "Charts/Pie2D.swf";
cht_Def.ChartCaption = "Defect Count Status";
cht_Def.ChartType = "Column3D";
cht_Def.ChartHeight = "450";
cht_Def.ChartWidth = "450";
cht_Def.ShowBorder = "false";
this is my xml databind
XmlData.Append("<graph caption='" + strCaption + "' xAxisName='" + strXAxisName + "' yAxisName='" + strYAxisName + "' lineThickness='1' showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' anchorRadius='2' divLineAlpha='20' divLineColor='CC3300' divLineIsDashed='1' showAlternateHGridColor='1' alternateHGridColor='CC3300' shadowAlpha='40' labelStep='1' numvdivlines='5' chartRightMargin='35' bgColor='FFFFFF,CC3300' bgAngle='270' bgAlpha='10,10'>");
1. now i want to remove the y axis right and side co-ordinate plz help me how i can remove that
now its showing Nan (not a number)
2. how to set y axis co-ordinate in int value now its showing in Deciaml for example (10.00)
Note: plz refer the attachment for the same
plz help thx