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About izzy501

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Chart Stacking

    I took a look at the FusionGadget...I assume it is the "canvasLeftMargin" and "canvasRightMargin" property -- yes that would work out if they could be applied for the fusion chart. I tried but it does not seem to kick in. Any plan to get it implemented?
  2. Chart Stacking

    We need to show the comparision of a series of data -- say, the loan application count, amount, reject count and reject ratio month to month in 2007. We have to stack two fusion charts. The top charts shows the count/amount with a dual Y bar/line chart, and the bottom is another dual Y bar/line chart. However we would like all the months' data to align vertically. Currently we have to play with the all the margins/paddings -- kind of tough because the Y Axis label width is also changing depending on the dynamic data. Is there anyway to make it easier, something like an option to fix the ditance from the Y Axis to the canvas border (or some even smarter way)?