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About ragu

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi , We are behind the schedule for client delivery and this is the only issue pending for fix. Do you have any update / fixes on this issue. Thanks,
  2. Hi, Any update on this issue?. Let me know if there is a fix. Thanks
  3. Hi Angie, Whenever you have any workaround / fix for this, please give it to me so that i can add the changes in my project. This is urgent one, that is why i keep on asking for a fix. Thanks.
  4. Hi Sanjukta Mukherjee , Can you please help me on this. Do you have any fix? Thanks
  5. Hi , I agree that the set value 50 is less than the yAxisMinValue. But the 50 will not appear first on the bar, it will appear on top of 380. So why we should reset the y-axis to 0. Is there any fix for this? Thanks
  6. Hi, Thanks for the reply.. Please find the XML Data i used. <chart bgAlpha="100" bgRatio="30,70" bgcolor="8AB5D8,C1DDF3" useRoundEdges="1" baseFontColor ="000000" baseFont="Tahoma" baseFontSize="9" numberPrefix="$" shownames="1" showvalues="0" showSum="0" decimals="2" forcedecimals="1" overlapColumns="0" yAxisMinValue="100"> <categories> <category label="Week1"> </category> <category label="Week2"> </category> </categories> <dataset seriesName="Week1"> <set value="900"/> <set value="800"/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="Week2"> <set value="380"/> <set value="50"/> ****(Due to this value, the yAxis is reset to start from 0. But this will appear stacked on top of 380) **** </dataset> </chart>
  7. Hi Fusion, I am using fusion charts 3.2 licensed version. I am creating a stackedcolumn2d chart for displaying bills that shows how much is the originial value and how much is tax for each billing week. We have a requirement to start the yAxis from some 50% of the least bill amount, so that the tax displayed is somewhat visible in the bar. The chart works fine only when the all the tax values of each bars are higher than the 50% of least bill amount. For ex, If the least bill amount is 10,000. Then 50% of 10,000 is 5000(yAxisMinValue). If i set the tax value for all the bars to above 5000, then the yAxisMinvalue is displayed as starting fromn 5000. But when the tax for any bar is set to 2000, then the yAxisMinvalue is starting from 0, regardless of the yaxisminvalue set to 5000. For the stacked column chart, all the set values for the 2nd category will display stacked above the first category bars. If the second set is having some less value than the yaxisminvalue, then the chart is displaying the y-value from 0 instead of the yAxisMinValue. Please give me a solution for this. Thanks