thank your for your fast answer but i know this kind of style. My problem ist, i don´t know how i can design the colors of series datsets like this:
<dataset seriesName='2010' color='000080'>
<set value='6.14' />
<set value='3.98'/>
<set value='4.94' />
<set value='13.36' />
<set value='16.02' />
<set value='25.49' />
<set value='30.06' />
But i don´t have a structure like this. Here is my header but i think, it is not the way to design different seriesNames.
<chart legendPostion='' caption='Anteil der Branchen am Gesamtvertragsbestand - PK absolut (%) ' subCaption='2003 - 2010' xAxisName='Zeitraum' outCnvBaseFont='Arial' yAxisName='Prozent(%)' bgSWF='chart_back.jpg' showValues='0' exportEnabled='1' exportAction='Save' exportAtClient='0' exportHandler='../ExportHandler/FCExporter.php' formatNumberScale='0' rotateValues='1' divLineColor='bfbfbf' outCnvBaseFontSize ='12' plotGradientColor='' animation=' " . $animateChart . "'>";
I use a multi-series-chart with two functions to build datasets and categoeries. Please look at: http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/?AttDesc/DataPlot.html
Please Help ! Thank your for your support !