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About Rock

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    Junior Member
  • Birthday 05/05/1988

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  1. Is it possible to export fusion charts as excel without rendering it in the browser using java???
  2. Hi All, Is there any PHP tool/software that can directly access database and will give different graphs using fusion charts.
  3. Flow Charts

    Hi, Why can't you develop an tool to draw the flow charts. Otherwise it is very difficult to develop flow charts and also that is time taking. it would be very nice, if you can give such tool.
  4. Flow Charts

    Hi, I have created one flow chart using 'DrawingPad.swf' and 'Annotations'. Is there is any tool? to draw flow charts using fusion chart.
  5. 2 D Column Chart

    Hey, As per your suggestion, I tried to use stacked chart, but it doesn't work for me. I actually have two values - a total budget and a disclosed budget (which is a part of the total). So, I want a view of the total budget (single bar) and disclosed budget (a part of the total bar highlighted with some color/pattern). Any suggestions would be appreciated. ~Pradyumna. P.S. - I am not able to open the two links that you shared.
  6. 2 D Column Chart

    Hi, Then how can i solve this problem, not necessarily using 2d column chart.
  7. 2 D Column Chart

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. My requirement is as follows. I have certain amount of budget for each month. I want to see how amount spent & how much amount is pending & total budget in the form of 2D column chart. For each month all 3 types of amounts should in single column(Like 2D stacked charts).
  8. 2 D Column Chart

    Hi All, How can i show total quantity and used quantity in a single 2 D column chart.
  9. Hi, xml code. <chart caption='Month Vs Report' subCaption='' showBorder='0' formatNumberScale='0' numberSuffix=' Reports' exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='0' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Report' showLegend='1' useRoundEdges='1' animation='1' legendPosition='RIGHT' scrollToEnd='1' zeroPlaneMesh='0'> <categories> <category label='January' /> <category label='February' /> <category label='March' /> <category label='April' /> <category label='May' /> <category label='June' /> <category label='July' /> <category label='August' /> <category label='September' /> <category label='October' /> <category label='November' /> <category label='December' /> </categories> <dataset seriesName='2010'> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='2011'> <set value='1' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> <set value='0' showValue='0' /> </dataset> </chart>
  10. Hi, Actually i am generating xml dynamically using php & mysql. $strXML = "<chart caption='Month Vs Report' subCaption='' showBorder='0' formatNumberScale='0' numberSuffix=' Reports' exportEnabled='0' exportAtClient='0' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Report' showLegend='1' useRoundEdges='1' animation='1' legendPosition='RIGHT' scrollToEnd='1' zeroPlaneMesh='0'>"; $strXML .= " <categories>"; for($i=1; $i<=12;$i++){ $strXML .= "<category label='".date('F', mktime(0,0,0,$i,1))."' />"; } $strXML .= " </categories>"; $q= new DBQuery; $q->addTable('dossier_views'); $q->addQuery('year(dossier_view_timestamp) as year'); $q->addGroup('year(dossier_view_timestamp)'); $q->addWhere('dossier_view_timestamp!="0000-00-00 00:00:00"'); $q->addOrder('dossier_view_timestamp asc'); $result_array= $q->loadList(); foreach($result_array as $result){ $strXML .="<dataset seriesName='".$result['year']."'>"; $reports = getDossierReports($_REQUEST['created_by'], $_REQUEST['shared_with'], $_REQUEST['program'], $status, $start_date, $end_date, $view_type, $result['year'], $department_user); $p=1; foreach ($reports as $total){ for($j=$p; $j<=$total['month'];$j++){ if($j==$total['month']){ $strXML .="<set value='".$total['toptal_reports']."' showValue='0' />"; }else{ $strXML .="<set value='0' showValue='0' />"; } } $p=$j; } for($k = $p ; $k < 13; $k++){ $strXML .="<set value='0' showValue='0' />"; } $strXML .= "</dataset>"; } $strXML .= "</chart>"; echo renderChartHTML("MSColumn2D.swf", "", $strXML, "cost", 760, 400, false, true);
  11. Hi All, I have a Multi-series 2Dcolumn fusion chart. Where x-axis represents months & the y-axis represents number of reports. If number of reports are less than 5 then values in the y-axis are not showing properly. Please find the attached chart for more details. Thanks in advance.
  12. Hi, How can i increase the width of the columns in Gantt Chart.
  13. Gantt Chart

    Hi, Thank you i got the gantt.swf file.
  14. Gantt Chart

    Hi, Thank you for your reply. I have downloaded the FusionWidgets Evaluation pack but gantt.swf file is missing in the Chart folder.
  15. Gantt Chart

    Hi All, Can anyone suggest me how can i get the gantt.swf file.