I'm designing a graph where values fluctuate above and below zero within a set range. I have set yAxisMinValue & yAxisMaxValue to be -600 & 600 respectively which works fine in normal scenarios, however the data for the graph comes from a third party and is often delayed. This results in large negative values, which then overrides the yAxisMinValue and skews the scale on the graph and basically renders it unreadable for the user.
Is there a flag I can set that will allow any large negatives to disapper outside the y axis value range, fixing the scale of the graph no matter what data is supplied to it. I thought setAdaptiveYMin would do it, but after trying it and reading the documentation it does not.
Hi Angie,
Thanks again, but it didn't seem to make any difference. Just so you can see what I've done, this is my chart tag code.
xmlData.Append("<chart bgalpha='0' caption='" & caption & "' subcaption='' labelDisplay='ROTATE' slantLabels='1' xaxisname='" & xaxis & "' yaxisname='" & yaxis & "' lineThickness='2' showValues='0' drawanchors='1' formatNumberScale='0' shadowAlpha='40' labelStep='3' palette='3' showborder='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' alternateHGridColor='3D6CB2' setAdaptiveYMin='0' imageSave='1' imageSaveURL='FCExporter.aspx' showExportDataMenuItem='1' showZeroPlane='1' yAxisMinValue='-600' yAxisMaxValue='600' adjustDiv='0' >"
Looks like I'll just stick with the SQL workaround, the users understand what it means when they see a +/- 600 on the graph so that will have to do.
Hi Angie,
Thanks for your response but it didn't have the desired effect. As a workaround in my SQL I've put a 'limit' on the min/max value it supplies to the graph which has the same basic effect (I've attached an image so you can see).
If anyone has any other ideas I'm all ears.