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  1. The Knowledge Base Q10068 - "HOWTO: I want to load an external XML file inside my chart loaded in a Flash movie/application" (http://www.fusioncharts.com/KB/article.aspx?id=10068&cNode=1F3K5Y) shows how to load data from external file, but id doesnt works on my SWF file. The source is: -------------- #include "com/fusioncharts/includes/LoadingFunctions.as" #include "com/fusioncharts/includes/AppMessages.as" import com.fusioncharts.core.charts.Pie3DChart; XMLFile = "Pie3D.xml"; var xmlData:XML = new XML(); xmlData.load(XMLFile); xmlData.onLoad = function(exito) { if (exito){ trace(xmlData) var chartContainer1MC:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("ChartHolder1", 1); var chart1:Pie3DChart = new Pie3DChart(chartContainer1MC, 1, 380, 325, 20, 15, false, "EN", "noScale"); chart1.setXMLData(xmlData); chart1.render(); } else trace("Where is " + XMLFile + "?"); }; stop(); -------- PD: the smile is ": P", [ code ][ / code ] doesnt works with the emoticons. If you publish the movie the charts doesnt appears on the movie. Any suggestion? Thanks.