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Everything posted by webwright

  1. Hi there- I'm trying to have a gradient in an area plot (and a different gradient for each dataset). It seems like I can't do this and am constrained to two options: 1) No gradients. Add plotGradientColor="" to the element. This makes each dataset a solid color. 2) Chartwide gradient. Add plotGradientColor="ffffff" and all of the datasets. This looks bad with my color selection. What I WANT is the ability to set color='c87a00, 896225' in a dataset, but that doesn't seem to work. Is it possible for each dataset to have its own gradient or am I out of luck? Thank you!
  2. I don't want to assign blame here, but there has clearly got to be a solution that FusionCharts can offer. This is not Firefox. This is not Flash. Or, at least, this problem is theoretically solvable by FusionCharts. http://fusioncharts.com/Demos/SalesDashboard/ That page puts my CPU at 50-52% on a fairly beefy machine. Amcharts (a competitor to FusionCharts who also uses XML driven flash) has a home page with 5 graphs on it: http://www.amcharts.com/ My CPU bounces around 6-11% This is in FF3. So the question is-- what is AmCharts doing differently? The animation is just as pretty. The graphs are easily as complex (no gradients, though).
  3. So you have no information about how best to avoid this? Chart number? Chart type? Anything?
  4. More data for you- We had one of our users disable some of the SWF charts and it cleared right up-- so it seems to be related to the number of charts (or at least seems to clear up with fewer charts on a page). http://getsatisfaction.com/rescuetime/topics/firefox_use_99_cpu_when_viewing_rescuetime_dashboard This is pretty much a dealbreaker for us, sadly. I love FusionCharts, but I can't have my app crashing/locking the browser for a significant portion of the audience we're building for. Unless I see resolution, my plan is to phase out FusionCharts over the next few months. More importantly, I'll probably stop recommending it to folks (I'd wager you have a dozen customers that have come in from my recommendations). For what it's worth, I know the problem is probably outside of your control-- but it doesn't change the fact that FusionCharts is not useful for any dashboard-style implementation (with multiple graphs and sophisticated controls).
  5. Also, do you know if it's directly related to the number of FusionCharts objects on the page? Is there a magic # that causes the problem to manifest? It would be nice if you'd post something like: "We know this is a problem and are trying to get Mozilla to fix it. In the meantime, here are the things that seem to resolve the problem: 1. Use less than X charts per page. 2. Avoid wmode tranparent 3. etc. 4. etc." Have you narrowed the problem down at all?
  6. Pallav-- Just wanted to thank you guys for the effort. I know how hard this stuff is to track down. Just checked your test page in FF/WIN and I'm seeing the telltale CPU spike-- so it looks like you guys found it. Is there something unique about FusionCharts? Or would any colleciton of flash objects with these WMODE settings do the same thing?
  7. We're seeing this as well. FF 2, Flash 9,0,115,0. We need to WMODE to allow elements to be on top of the graphs... Is there any alternative?
  8. Same issue here-- any ideas?
  9. Did you mean to post "just set"? I am having this issue as well. I want a stacked bar chart with one stack being a gradient from light gray to dark gray and the other being dark red to light red. I can set plotGradientColor="333333" in but that basically introduces that gray color to ALL stacks--something I don't want. If I don't set plotGradientColor, it seems to default to white, which I decidedly do not want. Any ideas?