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About gwill1010

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Fusion And Saleslogix Web

    After lots of banging head against wall...... I found that the charts work fine in some browsers and in others they do not. I'll post my findings for others. I know this won't make sense unless you are a slx user, but that's ok. I've tried the charts in 2 places. The welcome page and on tabs in the opportunity page. Everything seems to work fine with firefox 3.5.6. Neither works in FF3.5.6 Only tabs work in IE6 & 7 (slx web Version</SPAN>
  2. Fusion And Saleslogix Web

    I can't remember if i've tried this in the html page, but I have in the code behind page and it does not work in slx. (I verified that the same code does work outside of saleslogix.) I have to be able to supply the data in code behind. Thanks.
  3. Fusion And Saleslogix Web

    I'm trying to get fusion to work in saleslogix. here's the deal: following the basic install, I don't have any problems getting a chart to display using the data.xml file. I can not get the chart to display using any other method to supply data. In the example below, if the data.xml file is not present, then I receive the standard data load error. If I the data.xml file is present the data in the file is charted and no error is displayed. The contents of the XML file is near identical to the below, but the below will not work nor examples in the fusion getting started documentation. Literal1.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("FusionCharts/Column2D.swf", "", "<chart caption='OUR Weekly Sales Summary' xAxisName='Week' yAxisName='Sales'><set label='Week 4' value='100'></chart>", "myNext", "200", "300", true, true);