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  1. White Border And Background For Pie Graph

    I am interested in taking a HighCharts rendering and turning both the gradient background, the border for the slices of the pie, and the text on the slices to be white. Is that an available XML control? It seems that the borderColor attribute controls the border of the whole graph, but not borders within the graph. Thanks,
  2. Pain Point: "please Call Our Helpdesk"

    I've run into a pain point in how FusionCharts exports CSV. CSV can be exported to clipboard. However, if this is posted to Excel, Excel respects line breaks but does not respect CSV: everything is posted into the leftmost column, as per the screenshot. There is a song and dance that will let people get the CSV interpreted: click on "Data", then "Text to Columns," then "Next", then uncheck "Tab", then check "Comma", then Finish, and finally the CSV is interpreted as a spreadsheet. I believe the English translation to this song and dance is, "Please call our helpdesk." On setups where JPG/PNG/PDF can be downloaded, could there be an option to download CSV, which Excel would open and interpret as CSV more easily and naturally?
  3. Pain Point: "please Call Our Helpdesk"

    Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, it works great! (-:
  4. Trouble Saving Charts

    I have: <script type="text/javascript" src="FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="FusionCharts/FusionChartsExportComponent.js"></script> and a bit further down: <div class="portlet-content"> <!-- Trends --> <span id="Trends-OS">FusionCharts will load here!</span> <span id="Trends-Vol">FusionCharts will load here!</span> <div id="fcexpDiv">FusionCharts Export Handler Component</div> <div id="fcexpDiv2">FusionCharts Export Handler Component 2</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart = new FusionCharts( "FusionCharts/MSColumn2D.swf", "column", "350", "220", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLUrl("FusionCharts/trends-outstandings.xml"); myChart.render("Trends-OS"); var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject("fcExporter1", "FusionCharts/FCExporter.swf"); myExportComponent.debugMode = true; myExportComponent.render("fcexpDiv"); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart = new FusionCharts( "FusionCharts/MSCombi2D.swf", "column", "350", "220", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLUrl("FusionCharts/trends-volume.xml"); myChart.render("Trends-Vol"); var myExportComponent2 = new FusionChartsExportObject("fcExporter2", "FusionCharts/FCExporter.swf"); myExportComponent2.debugMode = true; myExportComponent2.render("fcexpDiv2"); </script> It is running without errors, and the graphs are rendered, but fcexpDiv and fcexpDiv2 say "Waiting" and after a minute or two do not seem to go on to anything else. Right-clicking a chart gives a contextmenu without option to save as JPG, PNG, or PDF. Any ideas what's wrong with this code?
  5. Numbers Displayed On Pie Charts

    I would like, for (2D) Flash pie graphs, to know if I can have a little more control over how the graphs display. In the attached picture, the two graphs are coded basically the same, but the left graph has numbers in the hundreds of thousands or millions, while the right graph only has tens, and because the numbers are displayed outside the graph, the left graph is very small to make room for the numbers. I would like to have e.g. "3.5M" displayed in a slice of the pie chart, meaning both that it is displayed inside rather than outside of the graph, and that the number is displayed as #.#M rather than #,###,###. Is any of this possible?
  6. Numbers Displayed On Pie Charts

    Thank you for giving me an answer! I appreciate it.
  7. White Border And Background For Pie Graph

    Thank you! Yes, it helped a good deal. Thanks,
  8. What's Wrong With My Json?

    I am trying to migrate from working XML to JSON. The XML is: <chart caption="Volume 2010 vs. 2011" xAxisName="Month" yAxisName="USD" showValues="0" numberPrefix="{:content:}quot;> <categories> <category label="Current" /> <category label="February" /> <category label="January" /> <category label="December" /> <category label="November" /> <category label="October" /> </categories> <dataset seriesName="2010" color="4060af"> <set value="1" /> <set value="2" /> <set value="1" /> <set value="2" /> <set value="1" /> <set value="2" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="2011" color="622567"> <set value="3" /> <set value="4" /> <set value="3" /> <set value="4" /> <set value="3" /> <set value="4" /> </dataset> </chart> The JSON I have is getting an error, message "No data to display." { "chart": { "palette": "5", "caption": "Volume 2010 vs. 2011", "xaxisname": "Month", "yaxisname": "USD", "numberprefix": "{:content:}quot;, "rotatevalues": "1", "placevaluesinside": "1", "forceyaxisvaluedecimals": "1", "yaxisvaluedecimals": "2", "showvalues": "0" }, "categories": [ { "label": "October" }, { "label": "November" }, { "label": "December" }, { "label": "January" }, { "label": "February" }, { "label": "Current" } ], "dataset": [ { "seriesname": "2010", "color": "4060af", "showvalues": "0", "data": [ { "value": "1" }, { "value": "2" }, { "value": "1" }, { "value": "2" }, { "value": "1" }, { "value": "2" } ] }, { "seriesname": "2011", "color": "622567", "showvalues": "0", "data": [ { "value": "3" }, { "value": "4" }, { "value": "3" }, { "value": "4" }, { "value": "3" }, { "value": "4" } ] } ] } The code that calls it, and works for XML, is: var volChart = new FusionCharts("FusionCharts/MSColumn3D.swf", "volChartId", "100%", "300", "0", "1"); // volChart.setXMLUrl("Vol.xml"); volChart.setJSONUrl("Vol.json"); volChart.render("volChartContainer"); What is wrong with my code? Thanks,
  9. What's Wrong With My Json?

    I needed to change the categories to: "categories": [ {"category": [ { "label": "October" }, { "label": "November" }, { "label": "December" }, { "label": "January" }, { "label": "February" }, { "label": "Current" } ] } ], However, it's still not working...
  10. Jquery Vs. Extjs

    Any comments on "FusionCharts + jQuery" vs. "FusionCharts + ExtJS"? The impression I get from the documentation is that a common use case is, "Use your framework to load JSON or XML and then feed it to FusionCharts. FusionCharts will do its job, and your framework will do its job." Is this the case? Have people tried to use "FusionCharts + jQuery" or "FusionCharts + ExtJS" and had either a really good or bad experience? Any warnings or words of wisdom? (Besides ExtJS licensing issues; I'm aware of the "pay us money or be more GPL than the GPL" sore spot.)
  11. Jquery Vs. Extjs

    Breadcrumb remark: I chose FusionCharts + jQuery. The main reason was time constraints.
  12. Json Not Working

    I am trying to convert XML to JSON for populating a graph. My working XML is: <chart caption="Volume 2010 vs. 2011" xAxisName="Month" yAxisName="USD" showValues="0" numberPrefix="{:content:}quot;> <categories> <category label="Current" /> <category label="February" /> <category label="January" /> <category label="December" /> <category label="November" /> <category label="October" /> </categories> <dataset seriesName="2010" color="4060af"> <set value="1" /> <set value="2" /> <set value="1" /> <set value="2" /> <set value="1" /> <set value="2" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="2011" color="622567"> <set value="3" /> <set value="4" /> <set value="3" /> <set value="4" /> <set value="3" /> <set value="4" /> </dataset> </chart> The present JSON results in "Invalid data" being displayed. Going off of http://www.fusioncha...ry.asp?Column3D I have: { "chart": { "palette": "5", "caption": "Volume 2010 vs. 2011", "xaxisname": "Month", "yaxisname": "USD", "numberprefix": "{:content:}quot;, "rotatevalues": "1", "placevaluesinside": "1", "forceyaxisvaluedecimals": "1", "yaxisvaluedecimals": "2", "showvalues": "0", },[{[{ "label": "October", },{ "label": "November", },{ "label": "December", },{ "label": "January", },{ "label": "February", },{ "label": "Current", },] },][{ "seriesname": "2010", "color": "4060af", "showvalues": "0",[{ "value": "1", },{ "value": "2", },{ "value": "1", },{ "value": "2", },{ "value": "1", },{ "value": "2", },] },{ "seriesname": "2011", "color": "622567", "showvalues": "0",[{ "value": "3", },{ "value": "4", },{ "value": "3", },{ "value": "4", },{ "value": "3", },{ "value": "4", },] },] } What is wrong with this JSON? Thanks, Jonathan
  13. Json Not Working

    CLARIFICATION: I haven't solved my problem. The forum munged my posted code and I was trying to explain what the original version was. My problem is unsolved now.
  14. Json Not Working

    P.S. In the original file, a "quote, dollar sign, quote" was munged to "{:content:}quot;". Jonathan
  15. Adding Two-Column Chart

    I am trying to create a two-column chart and I think I've done something amiss. What I have done is create a chart as per the instructions in "Creating your first chart", and then created a data file as per "Multi-series column 3D chart", using the HTML from the first page because the latter page did not tell how to embed it in the page. The resultant page has Flash that says, "No data to display." Do I have the wrong approach or have I made an implementation error? What is an example of the HTML to make a multi-series column 3D chart from a Data.xml? Thanks,
  16. Adding Two-Column Chart

    I found the problem; I needed to be using MSChart3D.swf, not Chart3D.swf.
  17. Server-Side Export To Image

    I am interested in making 3D bar charts, and instead of having a "degrade to HighChart html5 canvas" for iPhone and iPads, have a "degrade to server-generated exported image." What are the basic options to generate such images on the server-side, if that is an option? Thanks,
  18. Server-Side Export To Image

    Thank you!