^ is the scatter chart capable of combining with a line chart?
if yes how? what file do i need?
i am attaching an image of what i want to achieve.
i wanted to create a line chart representing the given normative values (y: raw scores, x: age in months).
now, i wanted to plot, within that chart, dots representing the raw score of a child. this is to easily view what percentile will the child fall into
however, his age does not fall exactly in the categories. for instance, if his age is 32.5 months.
< categories>
< category label="24"/>
< category label="30"/>
< category label="36"/>
< category label="42"/>
< category label="48"/>
< category label="54"/>
< category label="60" />
< category label="96" />
< /categories>
how can i set the raw score in the chart if it does not fall into any of the categories?
can you suggest a way on how to deal with this?
it's like the sample image attached on the first post in this thread.
oh my. i hope you understand my explanation. (it's hard to put it in writing!!!) hehe.
thanks for your urgent reply. btw, im a student and i am using your great charts for my project.