Mark Steudel

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Everything posted by Mark Steudel

  1. Putting Js Into A Data Point

    I'm using a data points in my line graph and I was wondering if it's possible to put some js into the datapoint so that I can use some of nice javascript modal windows out there?
  2. I have a working line graph and was wondering if I can just change the swf name to ScrollLine2d and add in numvisibleplot or do I also need to change my json structure so that instead of just using the data structure I switch to categories and dataset structure. I'm having trouble deciphering what's really required from the example json listed in the documentation. Thanks, Mark
  3. Converting From A Line Graph To A Scroll Graph

    Do I need to use multiseries data format with ScrollLine2d? If I switch the swf name and get invalid data, what is that a symptom of? Thnx