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About bhalperin

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Custom error message

    I have an ASP.Net applications and a Http Handler (.ashx) file that generates XML for a chart. This .ashx file is the dataURL attribute of the chart file. I'm using JavaScript to create the chat object and call the .ashx file. The ashx handler is doing some work including retrieveing data from a database and constructs the XML string eventually returned. If there is a failure while the ashx does its job, for instance failing to contact the database, I would like the .ashx handler to return an XML string to the JavaScript caller so it will be displayed inside the frame allocated for the chart, just like the default message "Error in loading data" is displayed at times. Does FC include and attribute to the <graph> element that can do that? For example: <graph errmsg="My custom error message"... >