Bad Whippet

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About Bad Whippet

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  1. Y Axis Minimum value is being ignored (Free Charts)

    Trouble is: when I change my nulls to the minimum 25000, this gives me an incorrect result: it plots a false line that plummets to 25000 for all future years when there should be no line at all for the future years (as per the chart in my first post). I've tried a formula that tests for null values and doesn't add a <set> tag as soon as nulls are encountered, preventing the line from travelling any further. It's basic, but it works for this graph because nulls happen only in the later <set> tags. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for my 'target' line where the first <set> in the series is a null but later values are not. Although not accurate, I could make this missing 'target' value the same as the 'actual' for this first <set> but want to ask a dumb question first: if I DID make all my null values be my minimum 25000, is there a way I can code a <set> not to be plotted on the graph (ie remain hidden so no line is plotted)?
  2. Y Axis Minimum value is being ignored (Free Charts)

    Here we go. As said, this is generated by ASP from a SQL database where later 'actual' values are all null. Additionally, the very first 'target' value is null too, and I suspect this is the cause......<graph caption='TOTAL SQUARE METERS' subcaption='(from Oct 2007 to Apr 2012)' bgColor='DDE3D5' hovercapbg='FFECAA' hovercapborder='F47E00' baseFontSize='10' showshadow='1' shadowAlpha='50' shadowThickness='4' shadowYShift='3' animation='1' showvalues='0' numdivlines='9' numVdivlines='0' yAxisMinValue='30000' yaxismaxvalue='45000' rotateNames='1' anchorRadius='5' anchorBorderThickness='2'> <categories ><category name='Oct 07' /><category name='Feb 08' /><category name='May 08' /><category name='Apr 09' /><category name='Apr 10' /><category name='Apr 11' /><category name='Apr 12' /></categories> <dataset seriesName='Target' color='F1683C' anchorBorderColor='F1683C' anchorBgColor='FFFFFF'><set value='' /><set value='37268' /><set value='36330' /><set value='36330' /><set value='36330' /><set value='36330' /><set value='36330' /></dataset> <dataset seriesName='Actual' color='1D8BD1' anchorBorderColor='1D8BD1' anchorBgColor='1D8BD1' showOnTop='1'><set value='40375' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /><set value='' /></dataset></graph><?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
  3. Hi - I'm using the very brilliant Fushion Charts Free and am trying to put together a multi-series line chart (FCF_MSLine.swf) with data loaded via ASP. It charts 'actual' and 'target' square meterage for the next few years. <graph caption='Square Meterage' subcaption='(from Apr 2007 to Apr 2012)