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Everything posted by ddebord

  1. Palette

    In reading the information concerning the new features of Fusion Charts, it says that palettes can now be used. Where are the palette settings set and what are the options for these palettes? Thanks D
  2. Palette

    Nevermind, I found it
  3. Multiple Charts on one ASP page

    That fixed it! Thanks again for the help. D
  4. Hi, I have a web application that needs to display a chart with data from every row of a returned recordset. I have the web page set up to loop through and create a chart for each set of data until the recordset is EOF. The page generates without any errors and all of the XML is correct for each chart, but the page will only generate one chart. It only generates a chart for the last row in my recordset. Any ideas on why this happens? Thanks D
  5. Multiple Charts on one ASP page

    Uploaded three files for you. aspcode.txt shows the looping structure used to generate the xml and display the chart. chartoutput.jpg shows what the web browser displays renderedhtml.txt shows the source of the page displayed in chartoutput.jpg. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the XML that I can see? But as you can see from the output it is only generating the last chart from the looping structure, which happens to be the last row returning from the recordset. Thanks again for the reply. I hope this helps D aspcode.txt rendered_html.txt