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About nooriya

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Legend Clicking Property

    Thank you very much for your help.Now its fine.
  2. Legend Clicking Property

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. When i click on each legend icon, it hides the data set corresponding to that item.I dont want this property in stacked chart.Is it possible to hide that property.
  3. Legend Clicking Property

    Hi, How do i hide legend clicking property.Is there any way to hide legend clicking property.
  4. Trendline Displayvalue

    Thanks for your help.
  5. Hi, I have many drill down charts in my page. When I click on anchor to see the drill down chart, it will not load the chart till I move my mouse pointer. After clicking, if mouse is not moved chart will take more than 15 to 20 seconds to load. I am using firefox 4.Please help me to resolve this problem.
  6. Trendline Displayvalue

    Hi, I am using dual Y combination chart along with trend values (zone). Trendline labels are overlapping in Y-axis labels. Is there any way to hide trendline labels. <line startValue='78000' endValue='130000' color='D40000' isTrendZone='1' alpha='70' displayvalue=' '/> Is there any way to hide the value.