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About ral8667

  • Rank
    Forum Newbie
  1. Hide Value TrendLine

    Ok, figured out a way, but might not be the best way. If I set displayvalue=' ' (there is a single space between the quotes), nothing is displayed except the line. Works, but if there is an actual setting to not display either text or the value, I'll use it instead. Thanks, Ron
  2. Hide Value TrendLine

    I want to use a trendLine, but I don't want the value to be displayed. I just want the line. Is this possible? If so, how? Thanks, Ron
  3. Change Color from Green to Red

    Thanks for the reply. How about this? Can I just have the color change from green to red as the area graph moves up? In a gradient method?
  4. Not sure if this feature exists, but if it does, can someone point me to the section in the manual? I'm only using Area2D graphs and want the area to change from green to red as a predfined value is approached. For example, I have a utilization graph from 0 - 100%. I'd like the area chart to be green from 0 - 70% and then change to red from 70 - 100%. Suggestions? Thanks, Ron