We're encountering the SAME exact problem.
I tried using numberSuffix="%", numberSuffix="%25", but neither work. They both show "%25" on the graph.
I've also tried adding showPercentageValues="1", but that has no effect.
Here's our code:
<graph chartTopMargin="15" baseFontSize="8" decimalPrecision="0" numberSuffix="%" caption="Distribution">
<set name="0-50" color="82a819" value="10" />
<set name="50-100" color="82a819" value="6" />
<set name="100-150" color="82a819" value="6" />
<set name="150-200" color="82a819" value="6" />
<set name="200-250" color="82a819" value="6" />
<set name="250-300" color="82a819" value="6" />
<set name="300-350" color="82a819" value="6" />
<set name="350-400" color="82a819" value="6" />
<set name="400-450" color="82a819" value="6" />
<set name="450-500" color="82a819" value="6" />
<set name="500-550" color="82a819" value="6" />
<set name="550-600" color="82a819" value="6" />
<set name="600-650" color="82a819" value="6" />
<set name="650-700" color="82a819" value="6" />
<set name="700-750" color="82a819" value="6" />
<set name="750-800" color="82a819" value="6" />
We are using the following jQuery code
type: "Column2D",
swfPath: '/includes/fusioncharts/',
data: chartData,
dataFormat: 'XMLData',
width: "696",
height: "310"
We are using the following file from your free version: FCF_Column2D.swf
Here's a screenshot:
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE advise us what to do!