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Everything posted by allon

  1. How to show Percentage inside the chart?

    In the example you gave me you use FusionCharts.js. We are trying to use jquery plugin for fusioncharts, because it supports client-side data. Is there a chance FusionCharts.js also supports getting data from a client-side javascript? If so, could you please refer me to an example?
  2. How to show Percentage inside the chart?

    Can you try reproducing the bug using dataXML instead of dataURL? Thanks, Allon
  3. How to show Percentage inside the chart?

    By the way, were you using the dataXML or dataURL methodwhen you were trying to reproduce the bug?
  4. How to show Percentage inside the chart?

    Hi, Can you please send me the exact SWF file you're using? Either post it here for me to download or send it to [email protected]? I'm still experiencing this issue and the fact that you're unable to replicate it might be because of a different swf file? Thanks, Allon
  5. How to show Percentage inside the chart?

    Hi, We're encountering the SAME exact problem. I tried using numberSuffix="%", numberSuffix="%25", but neither work. They both show "%25" on the graph. I've also tried adding showPercentageValues="1", but that has no effect. Here's our code: <graph chartTopMargin="15" baseFontSize="8" decimalPrecision="0" numberSuffix="%" caption="Distribution"> <set name="0-50" color="82a819" value="10" /> <set name="50-100" color="82a819" value="6" /> <set name="100-150" color="82a819" value="6" /> <set name="150-200" color="82a819" value="6" /> <set name="200-250" color="82a819" value="6" /> <set name="250-300" color="82a819" value="6" /> <set name="300-350" color="82a819" value="6" /> <set name="350-400" color="82a819" value="6" /> <set name="400-450" color="82a819" value="6" /> <set name="450-500" color="82a819" value="6" /> <set name="500-550" color="82a819" value="6" /> <set name="550-600" color="82a819" value="6" /> <set name="600-650" color="82a819" value="6" /> <set name="650-700" color="82a819" value="6" /> <set name="700-750" color="82a819" value="6" /> <set name="750-800" color="82a819" value="6" /> </graph> We are using the following jQuery code $('#statsHistogram').insertFusionCharts({ type: "Column2D", swfPath: '/includes/fusioncharts/', data: chartData, dataFormat: 'XMLData', width: "696", height: "310" }); We are using the following file from your free version: FCF_Column2D.swf Here's a screenshot: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE advise us what to do!