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Everything posted by Denzil

  1. Hi, I have successfully created a 2D Pie Chart using Fusion Charts v3 API. PFA the HTMLage-demographics.html and XMLage-demographics.xml files. I have the following files in the folder as said in the documentation : FCExporter.swf FusionCharts.js FusionChartsExportComponent.js highcharts.js jquery.min.js Pie2D.swf I am unable to export save the image as jpg/png/pdf. The capture process initiates and completes to 100% but I don't see any pop-up or save-as window in my browser. My flash version is 10.2.x. Please help.
  2. Unable To Export Or Save Chart

    Hi Angie, Yes, this does. I was creating a chart from the local file system. Thanks!
  3. Unable To Export Or Save Chart

    Hi Angie, I am able to see the "Global Security Settings Panel". I changed the option to "Always Allow". I am now able to save the chart! Thanks a ton !
  4. Unable To Export Or Save Chart

    Hi Angie, RegisterWithJS parameter is enabled here var myChart = new FusionCharts( "Pie2D.swf", "myChartId", "500", "500", "0", "1" ); My Adobe Flash Version is 10.2.x All the swf,js and FCExporter.swf files are in the same folder as the xml,html and hence all path issues are avoided Unfortunately, I am yet unable to save/export the chart.
  5. Unable To Export Or Save Chart

    Hi Angie, I can't see the save button. Am I missing something? PFA the screenshots during and after capture.