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About mbaith

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Map Sizing

    Per Pallav's suggestion I changed my code to the following and it fixed the problem... <% strXML17 = "<your XML>" %> <div id="mapdiv1" align="center"> FusionMaps. </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var map1 = new FusionMaps("Maps/FCMap_USA.swf", "Map1Id1", "440", "254", "0", "0"); map1.setDataXML("<%=strXML17%>"); map1.render("mapdiv1"); </script>
  2. Map Sizing

    Here is the code on the page when the map scales correctly: <!-- START Script Block for Chart myNext11 --> <div id='myNext11Div' align='center'> Chart. </div> <script type="text/javascript"> //Instantiate the Chart var chart_myNext11 = new FusionCharts("Maps/FCMap_USA.swf", "myNext11", "440", "254", "0", "0"); //Provide entire XML data using dataXML method chart_myNext11.setDataXML("<map showShadow='1' showBevel='1' showLegend='0' showLabels='0' showMarkerLabels='0' includeNameInLabels='0' showCanvasBorder='0' fillColor='F1f1f1' borderColor='000000' hoverColor='999999' baseFont='Verdana' baseFontSize='10' markerBgColor='FF5904' legendPosition='bottom' useHoverColor='1' showToolTip='1' showMarkerToolTip='0' formatNumberScale='0' mapLeftMargin='1' mapRightMargin='1' mapTopMargin='1' mapBottomMargin='1'><data><entity id='CA' color='FF0000' /><entity id='NV' color='FF0000' /></data></map>"); //Finally, render the chart. chart_myNext11.render("myNext11Div"); </script> <!-- END Script Block for Chart myNext11 --> Here is the code on the page when the map doesn't scale correctly: <!-- START Script Block for Chart myNext11 --> <div id='myNext11Div' align='center'> Chart. </div> <script type="text/javascript"> //Instantiate the Chart var chart_myNext11 = new FusionCharts("Maps/FCMap_USA.swf", "myNext11", "440", "254", "0", "0"); //Provide entire XML data using dataXML method chart_myNext11.setDataXML("<map showShadow='1' showBevel='1' showLegend='0' showLabels='0' showMarkerLabels='0' includeNameInLabels='0' showCanvasBorder='0' fillColor='F1f1f1' borderColor='000000' hoverColor='999999' baseFont='Verdana' baseFontSize='10' markerBgColor='FF5904' legendPosition='bottom' useHoverColor='1' showToolTip='1' showMarkerToolTip='0' formatNumberScale='0' mapLeftMargin='1' mapRightMargin='1' mapTopMargin='1' mapBottomMargin='1'><data><entity id='CA' color='FF0000' /><entity id='NV' color='FF0000' /></data></map>"); //Finally, render the chart. chart_myNext11.render("myNext11Div"); </script> <!-- END Script Block for Chart myNext11 --> Looks the same to me... Any ideas?
  3. Map Sizing

    I copied the code for the map to a page by itself, but it doesn't have the same problem on this page. See attached. MapCode.txt
  4. Map Sizing

    I am having the same problem with the charts not sizing correctly. Was there a fix? I was working on setting up a sample to send to, but it only seems to happen if the map is on the page with other charts/gadgets. If it is on the page by itself, it works correctly. (See MapGood.gif) If it is on a page with other charts/gadgets it will intermittently show correctly, but most of the time it doesn't scale down the map to fit correctly. (See MapBad.gif). Any ideas?
  5. Problem with HBullet Chart

    I found the problem. The double quotes in the XML data needed to be replaced with single quotes and the % needed to be %25. Mike
  6. Hello, I am trying to use the HBullet.swf gadget with the following code, but I keep getting the error: Line: 570 Char: 410 Error: Expected ')' Code: 0 Here is the code in my ASP page: strXML5 = "" strXML5 = strXML5 & "<chart plotFillColor='666666' plotFillAlpha='60' showPlotBorder='1' plotBorderColor='333333' plotBorderThickness='1' showValue='1' minorTMNumber='5' lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='120' canvasLeftMargin='20' canvasRightMargin='40' clickURL='' numberSuffix='%' showBorder='0'>" strXML5 = strXML5 & "<colorRange>" strXML5 = strXML5 & "<color minValue=""0"" maxValue=""60"" code='FF654F'/>" strXML5 = strXML5 & "<color minValue=""60"" maxValue=""90"" code='F6BD0F'/>" strXML5 = strXML5 & "<color minValue=""90"" maxValue=""120"" code='8BBA00'/>" strXML5 = strXML5 & "</colorRange>" strXML5 = strXML5 & "<value>90</value>" strXML5 = strXML5 & "</chart>" Call renderChart("Gadgets/HBullet.swf", "", strXML5, "myNext5", 400, 60, false, true) Here is the code that it generates: <!-- START Script Block for Chart myNext5 --> <div id='myNext5Div' align='center'> Chart. </div> <script type="text/javascript"> //Instantiate the Chart var chart_myNext5 = new FusionCharts("Gadgets/HBullet.swf", "myNext5", "400", "60", "0", "1"); //Provide entire XML data using dataXML method chart_myNext5.setDataXML("<chart plotFillColor='666666' plotFillAlpha='60' showPlotBorder='1' plotBorderColor='333333' plotBorderThickness='1' showValue='1' minorTMNumber='5' lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='120' canvasLeftMargin='20' canvasRightMargin='40' numberSuffix='%' showBorder='0'><colorRange><color minValue="0" maxValue="60" code='FF654F'/><color minValue="60" maxValue="90" code='F6BD0F'/><color minValue="90" maxValue="120" code='8BBA00'/></colorRange><value>90</value></chart>"); //Finally, render the chart. chart_myNext5.render("myNext5Div"); </script> <!-- END Script Block for Chart myNext5 --> Line 570 is this line from above: var chart_myNext5 = new FusionCharts("Gadgets/HBullet.swf", "myNext5", "400", "60", "0", "1"); Please help! Thanks, Mike