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Everything posted by kjh

  1. Do swf files have to be in the same folder as the chart html? The documentation seems to indicate that swf files need to be in the same folder as the chart html file. If I move the swf file from a “tempfiles” folder to a “dashboards” folder and change the html to specify the full path to the swf file the chart does not display. Here’s the folder structure: found\source\gui\dashboards: swf, js and other source code found\tempfiles: dynamically created html & xml files And html snip: var myChart = new FusionCharts("n:\found\source\gui\dashboards\Column2d.swf", "FusionCharts_1", "100%","100%","0","0"); I’d like to separate the source (swf & js) files from the dynamically created html & xml files, so that we do not write to the source folders. Another option would be to always copy the swf files to the tempfiles folder but I’d rather not do that. Locating the js files in the source folder are referencing full path in the html works. Thank you and apologies if answers are already posted. I searched but didn't find anything. Kevin