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About kbadr

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    Forum Newbie
  1. FusionCharts changed titlebar in IE

    I'm still not clear what you mean when you say "send us". I hope posting the code here is what you want. Here is the javascript that draws the chart: myChart = new FusionCharts( '/fc/MSStackedColumn2D.swf?ChartNoDataText=Network Interface Traffic - There is no data to display', 'interfacesChartId', 320, 160, 0, 0) myChart.setDataURL("/device/interface_traffic_data?for_widget=1"); myChart.render("chart_interfaces_886107621");
  2. Has anyone else noticed a problem where FusionCharts keep appending part of your page url to the IE titlebar? I have multiple charts in one page and, in IE only, each one is appending the anchor location (string after the #) of my url to the titlebar. The result looks like "My Page#anchor" and "#anchor" gets appended for every chart that loads on the page. Is this a FusionCharts bug?
  3. Values showing up in Multi Series Column 2D chart

    By send, do you mean post it in the forum? It is posted above, as I said, but it's not rendering correctly. Here is the XML. I had to html escape the less than characters to make it render in the forum. Please let me know if there is an email address you want me to send it to. <chart chartTopMargin="5" showValues="1" yAxisValuesPadding="5" baseFontSize="12" chartRightMargin="5" labelPadding="0" bgColor="fdfdfd, fafafa" caption="Test Chart" chartBottomMargin="5" showBorder="1" legendPosition="RIGHT" chartLeftMargin="5" borderColor="e7e7e7" showLegend="1" captionPadding="5" borderThickness="1" xAxisValuesPadding="5" baseFont="Arial" showLabels="0"> <categories> <category label="Michelle Anderson"/> <category label="Support Observer"/> <category label="SystemMailbox"/> <category label="Tepin"/> <category label="Test 2"/> </categories> <dataset> <DataSet seriesName="Michelle Anderson"> <set value="1162" toolText="Michelle Anderson: 1.1 KB" showValue="0"/> <set value="0" toolText="Michelle Anderson: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="0" toolText="Michelle Anderson: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="0" toolText="Michelle Anderson: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="0" toolText="Michelle Anderson: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> </DataSet> <DataSet seriesName="Support Observer"> <set value="0" toolText="Support Observer: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="855" toolText="Support Observer: 855 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="0" toolText="Support Observer: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="0" toolText="Support Observer: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="0" toolText="Support Observer: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> </DataSet> <DataSet seriesName="SystemMailbox"> <set value="0" toolText="SystemMailbox: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="0" toolText="SystemMailbox: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="361" toolText="SystemMailbox: 361 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="0" toolText="SystemMailbox: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="0" toolText="SystemMailbox: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> </DataSet> <DataSet seriesName="Tepin"> <set value="0" toolText="Tepin: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="0" toolText="Tepin: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="0" toolText="Tepin: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="274" toolText="Tepin: 274 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="0" toolText="Tepin: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> </DataSet> <DataSet seriesName="Test 2"> <set value="0" toolText="Test 2: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="0" toolText="Test 2: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="0" toolText="Test 2: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="0" toolText="Test 2: 0 Bytes" showValue="0"/> <set value="249" toolText="Test 2: 249 Bytes" showValue="0"/> </DataSet> </dataset> <styles> <definition> <style type="font" name="labelsFont" size="10"/> </definition> <application> <apply styles="labelsFont" toObject="DataLabels"/> </application> </styles> </chart>
  4. Values showing up in Multi Series Column 2D chart

    My XML is in my first post. I wrapped it in [ code ] [ / code ] but it's not displaying. If you hit the quote button on my original post, you will see the XML.
  5. I have a MS Column 2D chart, and I've tried everything to turn off the values that are showing up above each bar in the chart. I set showValues to 0 for the chart and datasets, and set showValue to 0 for each individual set. The values are still showing up. Is there something else I need to set? <chart chartTopMargin="5" showValues="1" yAxisValuesPadding="5" baseFontSize="12" chartRightMargin="5" labelPadding="0" bgColor="fdfdfd, fafafa" caption="Test Chart" chartBottomMargin="5" showBorder="1" legendPosition="RIGHT" chartLeftMargin="5" borderColor="e7e7e7" showLegend="1" captionPadding="5" borderThickness="1" xAxisValuesPadding="5" baseFont="Arial" showLabels="0"> [/code]
  6. I'd like to make a chart that has 3 lines. Most of the time, they'll all be zero, so I'd like not have all the lines overlapping. The only way I can think to do this would be to have 3 sets of values on the y axis, with 3 0 lines. I've looked through the docs of Fusion Charts 3, and I'm pretty sure this type of chart doesn't exist. Is there a Fusion Chart that can be modified to do what I want?
  7. Nevermind. Murphy's Law of posting to a forum prevailed. If I want to use data from another domain, I need to retrieve the data locally first. I have a chart that is using dataURL to set the data. When I set dataURL to "/chart/test_data", the chart displays fine. When I set dataURL to "[my full domain name]/chart/test_data", I get the "Error in loading data" message when the chart is drawn. The reason I am trying to use the full domain name in the dataURL is that I am working towards making a chart on one server use a datafile on another as its datasource. So this is just a test to make sure the full domain name in the dataURL works. Why is specifying the full domain name on the front of the dataURL not working?