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  1. How to add _blank url after click on chart?

    Yeah, i have got free version. Now i see why most functions does not work. Do you have any list of freeware functions.
  2. How to add _blank url after click on chart?

    I tried this xml code, but i have "invalid xml", what is wrong? <graph caption="dfgdf" canvasBgColor="000000" canvasBgAngle="100" divlinecolor="bbbbbb" numdivlines="17" formatNumberScale="0" animation="0" chartLeftMargin="-1" chartTopMargin="-5" chartRightMargin="0" showAreaBorder="0" areaAlpha="100" SUBCAPTION="1D" XAXISNAME="xxx" subcaption="year 2006" xAxisName="Month" showNames="0" bgColor="ffffff" yAxisMinValue="32.52" yAxisMaxValue="145.33" decimalPrecision="2"> <set name="1/01/2004" value="32.52" color="ffee00" /> <set name="5/01/2004" value="33.73" color="ffee00" /> </graph> <chart clickURL="http://www.yahoo.com"> </chart>
  3. I can`t find in documentation tutorial which shows, how to make something like when user clicks on flash chart and goes to some URL address.
  4. Problem with big databases

    Hello I have xml file (on my computer) with 50.000 records (3MB), and I see your charts don't support this big amount of records (cpu 2.6, ram - 1 GB). I see only the color of chart background.
  5. 2 chartts on 1 page

    I see works great, thanks
  6. 2 chartts on 1 page

    Hello How I can display 2 charts on one page? I trying something like that. but shows only one chart and that
  7. Change Color from Green to Red

    I added plotFillColor='000000' in XML file, but i can't change chart color, bgColor='000000' works great, but plotFillColor='000000' not I made something like that but animation works much slowly