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About Aegis

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi, I have some charts mixed in with other html on my pages, and they dont print with the normal browser print function in firefox. I did some research and apparently flash cant be printed in firefox like that [sad] I found a way to work around it, but it would require modification of the .fla files to do so, and since i dont have those I was wondering if anyone knows away to fix this for fusion charts. I want the whole page to be printed, not just the chart. Thanks!
  2. Help... Chart render error....sometimes

    This also happens in Safari. If the graph renders outside of where your window is currently positioned, it will render improperly like the previous posters showed, unless you use the javascript imbed
  3. Hi, I have some charts mixed in with other html on my pages, and they dont print with the normal browser print function in firefox. I did some research and apparently flash cant be printed in firefox like that I found a way to work around it, but it would require modification of the .fla files to do so, and since i dont have those I was wondering if anyone knows away to fix this for fusion charts. I want the whole page to be printed, not just the chart. Thanks!