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Everything posted by DSobolewski

  1. Different Zero

    The graphs with two Y axes have different zero. On the left (primary) are the U.S. dollar. On the right (secondary) are percentages. I can not use the feature to synchronize the two axes (syncAxisLimits). As result to zero on the left side was equal to zero on the right side? Sample page: http://www.wase.pl/testzero.php
  2. Different Zero

    Hello It does not solve the problem. This chart is using data from 2000 companies. The data are changing. Why can not I use this solution. Please, any other ideas. Best Regards
  3. Hello When I use the option useRoundEdges=1 then stop working all the parameters related to the border canvas area. I can not set the canvas border color, transparency and thickness. Is there a way to circumvent this problem? Best Regards
  4. Useroundedges And Canvasbordercolor

    With hints managed to perform a substitute canvas frame of a specific color. Thank you very much for your help. This is the result code: if ($v_useRoundEdges == 1) { $FC->defineStyle('myBorderCanvas','shadow','quality=1;strength=4;distance=0;blurX='.(2 * $v_canvasBorderThickness).';blurY='.(2 * $v_canvasBorderThickness).';alpha='.$v_canvasBorderAlpha.';color='.$v_canvasBorderColor.';'); $FC->applyStyle('CANVAS','myBorderCanvas'); }
  5. Hello dev and member. Sorry for my bad english. The following short script that displays the columns in different colors: <?php $starttime = microtime(true); $now = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . ' GMT'; header ('Date: '.$now); header ('Expires: '.$now); header ('Last-Modified: '.$now); header ('Pragma: no-cache'); header ('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate'); include('../libFC/FusionCharts_Gen.php'); $FC = new FusionCharts('ScrollColumn2D',800,400); $FC->setSWFPath('../libFC/Charts/'); $FC->setInitParam('debugMode',false); $FC->setParamDelimiter(' ); $tab_alpha = array(100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40); $tab_kolory = array(); for ($cr = 0; $cr < 256; $cr += 51) { for ($cg = 0; $cg < 256; $cg += 51) { for ($cb = 0; $cb < 256; $cb += 51) { $tab_kolory[] = strtoupper( sprintf( '%02s%02s%02s', dechex($cr), dechex($cg), dechex($cb) ) ); } } } $tablica = $tab_kolory; $cyfra = 1000; $ilosc = count($tablica); for ($ia = 0; $ia < $ilosc_alpha; $ia++) { $na = $cyfra + ($ia * $cyfra); for ($ic = 0; $ic < $ilosc; $ic++) { $FC->addCategory($na + $ic); } } for ($ia = 0; $ia < $ilosc_alpha; $ia++) { $na = $cyfra + ($ia * $cyfra); for ($ic = 0; $ic < $ilosc; $ic++) { $FC->addChartData(72.34,'label='.($na + $ic).'$toolText=Kolor: '.$tablica[$ic].' Alpha: '.$tab_alpha[$ia].'$color='.$tablica[$ic].'$alpha='.$tab_alpha[$ ia].' ); } } $FC->renderChart(true); $stoptime = microtime(true); $total=round($stoptime-$starttime,5); echo 'Time: '.$total.' sec'; ?> php script execution time: 0.15661 sec - good Problem: time display in the browser: 11 sec !!!!! and browser it's blocked 5 sec. The screen stays white and does not show up any words such as "rendering continues". It could use a progress bar. How to overcome the problem of long waiting times so you see the chart? Computer CoreDuo 2.66, 4GB RAM, Windows7, IE or FF (browser). Best Regards
  6. Long Waiting Time For Display

    UseRoundEdges is my primary parameter used. http://wase.pl/testcolor2.php : defaultAnimation = 0; useRoudEdges = 0 http://wase.pl/testcolor1.php : defaultAnimation = 0; useRoudEdges = 1
  7. Long Waiting Time For Display

    No - only http. Link: http://wase.pl/testcolor.php Testing on several different computers give similar results.